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by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1

Timex 1000 / Sinclair ZX 81 Books and Manuals
My policy for collecting computer artifacts is to keep only working or serviceable systems and parts. I also avoid anything that I have no intention in actually using. Lastly, I have a finite space so for everything that comes in, something of lesser interest must go... Miscellaneous Grid Laptops Xerox 820-II Misc Micropolis Drives ICOM Dual 8" Drive Two IMSAI 8080's
IBM Software Pkgs ">... [ read more ]

Archiving Apple II disks

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Apple IIGS 3.6v MB Battery ] 11/28/2008
Test subject: Apple II GS with 3.5 and 5 1/4" drives, ADT 1.21 and a bunch of diskettes.
Apple II GS Computer running ADT 1.21
I decided it was time to learn how to archive Apple II disks by copying them (somehow) to a modern computer. I chose an Apple II GS as the bridge system because it has a 3.5 and 5 1/4" disk drive, and it can read old Apple II diskettes. The question is how to take make disk images and save them to 3.5 disk, and then find a modern system to read the 3.5 disks. Finally I will need to be able to both run the disk images in an Apple II emulator, and also move disk images from other sources to the Apple II GS for extraction onto 5 1/4" in Apple DOS 3.3 format for use on an Apple II (II-->IIe). [1 archive diske">... [ read more ]

IBM AT 5170

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
It had been a while since I ran my IBM AT model 5170. I opened it, and used the opportunity to test some new-to-me EGA cards and a couple of mid 80's hard drives. I also took a few pictures.">... [ read more ]

Some new Apple MACs

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Recently I was given two working Apple MAC computers. The first is an MAC SE30, appears to be fully functional. Pictures The second is an admittedly not-yet-vintage Apple Powerbook 520C, with Colorwriter 2200 and a Visioneer Paperport scanner. circa 1994. The computer still works. Pictures">... [ read more ]

Commodore SuperPET (CBM SP9000)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Output to a printer using a SuperPET ] 11/10/2008
I am writing a Pascal program on a CBM SuperPet running Waterloo Pascal. This version of pascal is similar to the pUCSD version. Pictures">... [ read more ]

IBM 5155 Restoration Project Update

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
IBM Portable Model 5155 with 3.5" drive added. IBM 5155 with carry bag, Hardware Maintenance & Service (for) Portable Personal Computer vol 1, Advanced Diagnostics 2.10. Details of the step by step restoration will be posted soon, but for now here are the IBM 5155 Restoration Pics">... [ read more ]

Vintage Computer Festival East 5

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Vintage Computer Festival East 5.0 Saturday, Sept. 13th and Sunday, Sept. 14th InfoAge Science Center at Wall Township, New Jersey. Sponsored by MARCH and VintageTech Pictures of the event">... [ read more ]

Looking for an IMSAI Box

by monahan_z
Total messages in this thread: 5
Updated: [ IMSAI chassis ] 10/31/2008
I am looking for an IMSAI S100 box with power supply and front panel. No need for S100 cards. Anybody seen one for sale?">... [ read more ]

the "SacState" 8008 Machine 1972-73

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Passing along an interesting story about a microcomputer produced by a guy named Bill Pentz at the California State University, Sacramento. According to the Digibarn's Bruce Dalmer this is "..the World's First Fully Functional Microcomputer (with peripherals).." http:...-pentz-story/index.html">... [ read more ]

TM 990/189 or PP189

by njoerd_de
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ re:TM 990/189 or PP189 ] 10/21/2008
Hello to all, I get a TM 990/189 System from one of my friends. The interesting point is that the system is build in a black box. You can detach the cover from it. On the cove there are the letters PP189 and of course the Texas Instruments brand name. I searched in the internet to get more information about this system. I found some of the PCB (TM 990/189) itself but nothing about the box. Do anyone know more about it? Regards from Germany Andreas">... [ read more ]

MITS 680b Memory Dump Listing

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I found an article titled "Hexadecimal Memory Dump" bummed from Mark Borgerson code by Cal Rasmussen in my copy of Kilobaud from 11/1978. The program is written for a MITS 680b running MIKBUG. Program Listing">... [ read more ]

Removing yellowing from plastics

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
This is a reprint from, but I thought it worth mirroring here. To follow is an excellent synopsis on the subject, taken from a 200 record thread: - Part 2 (by "Merlin") "...The original thread is over 200 posts long now and getting to be a heavy read for some, so Lorne and I thought it was best that we start a new thread here, with a "Story So Far" summary, before we start more experiments. So, what has been discovered and learned so far? 1. We have learned that a magic concoction has been created that can reverse the years of yellowing of plastics, caused by the brominated flame retardants (which were added to the plastic when it was a masterbatch) migrating to the surface of the plastic and attracting oxygen molecules which become attached by a co-ordinate bond. 2. Bromine molecules are susceptible to ultra-violet light, in that che">... [ read more ]

MAC Plus 1MB Restoration

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I came upon a MAC Plus 1MB that when powered on starts to smoke. Took the system apart and found that it had a bad monitor. The connector from the power supply to the monitor had a burn rupture. The monitor itself seems to be disfunctional. I replaced the power supply board, and although I get the happy beep, nothing appears on the monitor. I did not pay for any of this so no harm trying.">... [ read more ]

applying power to a KIM

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Regarding applying power to a KIM..I am looking at page 8 of the KIM User Manual. Have I interpreted the schematic correctly? It appears that I should connect the ground lead of the power supply to pin 1, and connect a +5V wire to pin A. The +12V cassette lead should connect to the pin labeled N on the Application connector. I also have to connect pins K to 1. I would love to see a picture if there is one out there, but I found nothing. I will post one when I am done.">... [ read more ]

Amiga 1200

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Picked one of these up at VCF E 2008. Needs some work...will post more here asap.">... [ read more ]
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    vcfmw ECCC 2018 Packed With Stuff

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