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IC and chip inventory

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Thread date is last update date. The purpose of this list is to make it easier for me to determine if I have certain loose chips available. ID 2nd ID Comment/Quantity 2114-550 120 2708 1 2716 TMM3233D EPROM 1 6509 6581 6820 68A50 (6850) 3 7403 8146 8331 1534 9616 1 1702 AM1702ADC 1702 PROM 2111A-4 2 2382-4014 8051 INTEL 77 2516JD-45 DAP8114 2641-2569 D8288 S4349 1 27128-20 8447 EPROM 1 2716 2 27P08JDL P7906 EPROM 1 291YCC E 8544 ?? 1 318004-04 3384 PAL Kernal ROM CBM 264 325302-01 1486 3334116 2 341001 APPLE78E0(1 BAD?) 2 341-0010-00 APPLE 3.2 CHIP 341-0036-00 88241 APPLE 341002 APPLE78E8 (BAD?) 341003 APPLE78F0 (BAD?) 341-0909- APPLE1978 369-6502-A 11 4116 21 51CNKNK ULN2003AN 2 5864PN-15L 4 6509R4 6509R7 2 6522 1086 6525A 4 ">... [ read more ]

Commodore 64 / 1541 DRIVEKNOCK

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Attach your C64 to your non-functioning disk drive of choice and put a scratch disk into the drive. Power up to READY prompt. Run this program OPEN15,8,15 PRINT#15,"V" CLOSE 15 This is called the "driveknock" program, I used to use it to sometimes revive a failing drive. Should work for many kinds of C64 serial drives.">... [ read more ]

PACS: Reflections by Kathleen Mauchly

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Kathleen Mauchly penned a column in the Philadelphia Area Computer Society (PACS) newsletter "Data Bus" from 1981-83. Kathleen, wife of John Mauchly co-inventor of the ENIAC and other computer systems, offers her perspective of the post war computer revolution and other topics. Click image to enter articles and scans directory to download.
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Apple IIc

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Apple IIc
The 1984 Apple IIc was the first portable Apple II model. In the rear of the unit the carrying handle could also be lowered to lift/hold the system at an angle to make it easier to type. The disk drive was built into the side. Click for larger view.
Apple IIc
View of the Apple IIc introduction disk intro screen, using a the Apple Monochrome Monitor. Click for larger view.
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Digital VT100 Terminal

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Digital VT100 Terminal
The DEC VT100 is probably the most famous terminal of the late 70's early 1980's. This unit has the Advanced Video Option (AVO) installed which allows 24 lines of text in 132 column mode. Click for larger view.
Being that I will use this terminal mostly for accessing my VAX 4000, I set it to default to 19200 baud. The other "Setup B" settings are: 1) 0101 2) 0011 3) 0010 4) 1010 So, if you read this post and you are struggling with getting your VT100 to communicate with your computer... First connect your computer to the terminal. You may need a NULL MODEM adapter (I did not), situations vary. Understand the communications settings your computer or server requires. Make sure your vt100 is in ONLI">... [ read more ]

TRW 530 Information Processing System

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Cover of the TRW 530 Information Processing System Operator's Manual. Click to access directory.
This is a rare scan, not found elsewhere so I posted here.
The front panel of the TRW 530. Click for larger view.
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New ETKM 8800b Turnkey Monitor Found

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ ETKM = Vector Graphics Monitor ] 08/23/2015
A few ROMs for the 8800 I have collected including a totally new to me "ETKM" Turnkey Monitor Program that is HEX, not octal based. I still need to take a look at it in a HEX editor so I can see what commands are available and learn more about what it does. So far I learned it has an E command as in E 0000 - 0FFF (show me a dump of RAM from this range). Stay tuned.">... [ read more ]

TRS 80 Model III Hi-res Graphics Board

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ Compatibility Issues ] 08/19/2015
TRS 80 Model III 26-1125 hi-res board demo image
TRS 80 Model III 26-1125 hi-res board demo image. Click on image for larger view.
Here are the initialization commands necessary for a model III with programs written with micro-labs GBASIC, and a model III 26-1125 graphics board: A=PEEK(16912) OR 16 POKE 16912, A OUT 236,A TRS 80 Model III 26-1125 hi-res board
TRS 80 Model III 26-1125 hi-res board. Note that to get to the board I had to first remove the factory-in">... [ read more ]

Friden Model 132 Electronic Calculator

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ repair complete ] 07/27/2015
The 1965 Friden 132 Electronic Calculator was the first electronic calculator capable of doing square root.
The 4 row display of the Friden 132.
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PDP 11/40 Power Supply Issue!

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 14
Updated: [ Basic stress testing ] 07/17/2015
Nooo! The console and power supply light flicked out while in use. WTD: Power Supply or Power Supply Module. The part number on the front is "H742a" and it's the big part of the power supply in the back. In front (looking from the side) are power modules. The modules and the console power are attached to the "H742a" Other H74x supplies should work. Here is the wording on the unit: Dec Power Supply H742a Caution AC & DC OUTPUTS ARE PRESENT WHEN LIGHT IS ON POWER ON (( )) ------------ where (( )) = the light bulb. The supply's red indicator light no longer comes on, nor do the console lights, though the fans still run. In the meantime I will test with a volt meter and so on, maybe there's a bad connection. More to follow.">... [ read more ]

1972 DEC idacs 11/07 Industrial PDP 11

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Digital Equipment Corporation idacs 11/07 industrial PDP 11 computer
The circa 1972 Digital Equipment Corporation idacs 11/07 industrial PDP 11 computer. Click for larger view.
Download Sales Brochure">... [ read more ]

Xerox 820-II - Set Up

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ Blew a Power Cap! ] 06/23/2015
The Xerox 820-II Computer with DD 8" and "Rigid" disk option.
Xerox is one of those computer companies, like Apple, whose computers you'd buy partially because of the brand name. At least that was the the case in early 80's. The initial reaction of consumers when the Xerox 820 series was announced was "Ah ha, watch out IBM, Xerox is getting in the game and they'll show everyone how to make a real computer". It did not quite work out that way, the 820 series was pretty boring - no mouse and no hi-res graphics like the Lisa-inspiring Xerox Star, the production version of the Xerox Alto. Instead, the 820-II was a business machine, and as such it wa">... [ read more ]

DECpc 433SLC Laptop

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Digital DECpc 433SLC laptop
The 33Mhz i486 Digital "DECpc 433SLC Premium" laptop model PCP38 - One of the last Digital-branded laptops made before the company was bought by Compaq. The SLC was first made available in February 1994 and would have been designed for Windows 3.11, but would have run Windows 95 as well.
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1993 Compaq Deskpro 5/60M

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Restoration progress ] 06/17/2015
1993 Compaq Deskpro 5/60M Pentium Computer
The unassuming Compaq Deskpro 5/60M computer is considered one of the first commercially-sold desktop computers with an Intel Pentium processor. Click for larger view.
EISA qVGA card
Pictured is a rare Compaq QVGA EISA video card. These were at the time Cadillac VGA cards, a good match for the system. The QVision VGA cards also appeared in AlphaServers. Click for larger view.
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Raspberry Pi as Gateway to Internet

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ IRSSI IRC #vc ] 06/13/2015
Raspberry Pi as Internet Gateway for Vintage Computers
The Raspberry Pi can be used to connect vintage computers to the internet. This image shows my preference - A USB wireless dongle and a USB to serial cable. One could also use the serial port of the Pi, but that method is not covered here. The operating system I chose is a version of Debian Linux tailored for Apple II use (search the web for "IvanX" to download a copy with directions), but this Pi distro is also good for most other terminal software-driven vintage computers. Click for larger view.
The first thing I attempted was to connect a Digital VT102 terminal to the Raspberry Pi. I used a cabled ethernet conection rather than wireless. I also">... [ read more ]
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