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SC/MP single board computer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
National Semiconductor started selling a CPU called the Simple Cost-effective Micro Processor, or "SC/MP". This image shows the SC/MP microprocessor at the heart of a simple system and current loop to RS232 converter. Click image for larger view.
Here is a closeup of the SC/MP-1. This is the first gen version, part number ISP-8A/500. It's clocked at 1 MHz and uses P Channel MOS technology. Note the silkscreen date. This microprocessor was first available in April 1976. Click image for larger view.
More to come on this one. The builder of this SBC followed a magazine's des">... [ read more ]

Computer History and Restoration Links

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The thread date indicated last update. Suggest a site here. Bitsavers Software and Document Archive Retroarchive Multi-Platform rTTY Art Repository http://artsc...LLECTION/ Datastore: Manuals and system docs galore. http://maben.ho...S100/index.html Dave Dunfield's Site - vintage computer newbies should start here, disk archiving info here http://www.classic...dunfield Glitchworks FDC Results Registry - Drive controllers for imaging disks https://services....tfdc_results Bryan's Old Computers Document Archive The Homebrew Computer Club Newsletters https://ark...-computer-club Every Computer That Ever Was (list) http:">... [ read more ]

Items Wanted

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
This list is maintained regularly. Thread date is last update. Contact me Here. M7261 KD11-B CPU board 1 CONTROL LOGIC & MICROPROGRAMMED MODULE (PDP 11/05 or 11/10) Findex portable computer (any model) PCS Micropac 80, Superpac 180 and related DVW Microelectronics Husky GO Tablet Model G400 power supply or battery (24V ). Commodore B Series hi-profile keyboard(s) AT&T UNIX PC keyboard(s) Computer Data Systems "Versatile 2" s-100 computer 1977 (Newark, Delaware USA computer) Casio FX-9000P Canon CX-1 or BX-3 Acorn BBC Model A Eagle Computer Eagle II E (I have disks, need computer) Sord SM80X Oki 1F COM7 laptop Morrow Decision 1 Microvoice Nugen Sycor Model 302 Key-Cassette Terminal California Technology International 1108-A Manual/documentation Any mid 70's micros like the Sphere, Compucolor II, HAL,">... [ read more ]

IBM 3270 PC (Model 5271)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ IBM 3270 PC Update ] 01/23/2024
The IBM 3270 PC, model 5271 after repairs made to the RAM. Click image for larger view.
View of display connector cable attachment to rear of IBM 5271. Note the dual card. Note also the RAM expansion card has been removed for troubleshooting. Click image for larger view.
The display paired with the 3270 PC (part no. 5272)running a color calibration program. Click image for larger view.
More photos This computer was donated to Kennett Classic. It initia">... [ read more ]

The Litton Sweda International

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Sweda User Describes Model 8452 Use ] 01/18/2024
The Floppy Disk Model 8452 by Litton Sweda. No information is forthcoming about the computer that used this drive.
Litton Sweda International business equipment, cash registers, and like many companies of the late 70's and early 80's they experimented with business computers. Litton was based in New Jersey, but this drive was manufactured in Japan. I am guessing that this is simply a re-branded something or another drive. If you're looking to complete a Litton Sweda system contact me if you're interested in this drive. Pics">... [ read more ]

CBM SuperPET Tips (CBM S9000)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 5
Updated: [ SuperPet Starter-Pak ] 12/03/2023
The manuals supplied by Commodore are frustratingly incomplete and require a lot of head banging and experimenting to accomplish what should be simple tasks. The top of the klugey list is printing a program listing. Here are some useful tips and tricks including a few things that are not found in the original manuals. I still recommend that you try to find and read a copy of the SuperPET manuals (pamplets) too. 1. In order to use the SuperPET in 6809 mode, you must have the OS boot disk titled "SuperPet WCS" present in drive 1 (left drive) of an 8050 (or 8250) dual-diskette drive. Set the side dip switches to 6809 and R/W. If you do not have this disk or a 8050/8250 drive, you'll have to trouble doing much more than staring at the initial boot menu. This menu lists the programming language options (Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, etc.) BUT these components are not included in">... [ read more ]

Cramer Intel 8080A Microcomputer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Intel 8080A Microcomputer cramerkit A product of Cramer Electronics, Inc. designed by Microcomputer Technique, Inc.
Cramer Electronics Incorporated started advertising this 8080 kit microcomputer, the "Cramerkit", in late 1975 for $495 (or was it $1495?) but none were delivered until the spring of 1976. The Cramerkit was a designed by Microcomputer Technique Inc. and was shipped partially assembled. Click image for larger view.
I managed to find a partial view of the product advertising, from Electronics magazine April 1976. According to the advertisement, the assembly of the kit takes minutes, meaning the wirewrapping and sockets are done at the factory. Download The owner of thi">... [ read more ]

Cromemco Dazzler

by billdeg
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Testing the Cromemco Dazzler video cards in an IMSAI 8080. Note sense switch 12 is up, which generates the pattern displayed on the video. The test program is listed in the Cromemco Dazzler user manual
More Photos Most software produced for the Dazzler was created to be run on a Z80 Cromemco Z1 (enhanced IMSAI 8080) running CP/M. The computer pictured is an IMSAI with an 8080 CPU and no CP/M. I would like to try to convert the CP/M Z80 programs to 8080 format. I would then and run them from memory without CP/M. Not impossible. So why did no one do this? 8080 is not much different than Z80, but I think it's a speed thing. I should be able to at least make basic graphics. What would realy">... [ read more ]

Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ PDP-8 Testing ] 08/16/2023
Drew helping wheel our new DEC PDP-8 computer, donated to Kennett Classic museum in late October 2022. I drove the computer from Chicago a few weeks after VCF MW.
Front panel view, DEC PDP-8 computer
This is the rack model acquired in late fall 2022. The system can run the "chase the lights" program indicating a minimum CPU function. Powering off and then on again, the system retains the values of the chase the lights program and will re-run again. NEXT: Document cards installed, detailed pictures and testing with a Teletype ASR 33. Just so you know, I have powered up this system 25 times and worked with the front panel, but I wanted to clear a good block of">... [ read more ]

1985 Zenith ZFA-138 Portable

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
1985 Zenith ZFA-138 Portable. Click image to see larger view.
Donation to Kennett Classic, outer case cleaned, machine in operational condition. More Pics">... [ read more ]

XYBASIC on the IMSAI 8080

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
XYBASIC initialization screen. 44K available, better than an IBM PC.
You can load and run XYBASIC for the IMSAI 8080 with SIO set for 9600b, assuming you have a ROM monitor can can accept binary HEX files or you have toggled in the bootstrap loader into RAM first. Also assuming you have a PC running a terminal program such as TeraTerm on the other end: 1. Prepare your PC terminal to transmit with a 10ms delay, 8N1. 2. Prepare the IMSAI to receive a HEX file. For most ROM monitor programs, the command L (load tape) should work. 3. From your PC terminal program send xybasic.hex as a binary file. 4. You should see the binary file contents stream line by line as the file downloads into your IMSAI from the PC. The 10ms delay is necessary">... [ read more ]

IMSAI 8080 Chase the Lights Variations

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Variations of the chase the lights toggle-in programs 1. 0000: F8 F1 E3 C7 8F 1F 3F 3F 1F 8F C7 E3 F1 F8 FC FC 0100: 80 40 20 10 08 04 02 01 00 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 ... run from 0000 Generates an inverse pattern effect, the non-shining light travels back and forth 2. Same as before except 0100 is: FE FD FB F7 EF DF BF 7F BF DF EF F7 FB FD FE FF Generates the traditional single light traveling back and forth">... [ read more ]

1985 PCs Limited Turbo PC

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The 1985 PC’S LIMITED Turbo PC. Click image for larger view.
ARC produced the first Turbo PC motherboard. Click image for larger view.
Newest chip dates are 25th week of 1985, making this an early model. Click image for larger view.
This machine was donated to Kennett Classic as unoperational. I replaced the power supply with an original IBM XT supply and replaced the hard drive controller card with a simil">... [ read more ]

Computer Music Using the IBM 7094

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Click image for PDF version
Recently read ... Computers Admiration and Fear- "...the IBM 7094 digital computer as a translator of music..." used to generate music for a recital at the Riverside Museum in Princeton, NJ USA. Anyone have a recording? "On the other hand....The Anthroposophical Society whose members believe in the omnipotent computer in the sky.."...satellite anyone? Source: The Realist no. 75, June 1967 Supposedly you can hear this on Charles Dodge's "Computer Music" album from 1970.">... [ read more ]

1975 IMSAI 8080 with 1981 Morrow 64K RAM

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Loading Imsai BASIC ] 07/04/2023
IMSAI 8080 running Jon Chapman's Glitchwrks GWROM-80 Intel 8080 ROM monitor program customized for the IMSAI 8080 and IMSAI SIO serial card. Click image for larger view.
The objective of this project is to build up an IMSAI with a usable ROM monitor program that can be used to load programs and manage RAM. The system should also provide access to most of the 64K address space, all while retaining the use of both the IMSAI front panel and/or a 9600b serial terminal. The use of a front panel is hightly valued for diagnostics, programming, and S-100 board hardware testing. Basically this will be my bench S-100 system. The challenge is to try to do all of this with a newer IEEE 696 RAM board.... [ read more ]
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    System Source SS Univac 490 pic1

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