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TRS 80 Model III Drive Replacement

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The TRS 80 Model III with Texas Peripherals 10-5355 drives. The top drive in this unit (drive 1) is not functional so I replaced it.
After testing thoroughly, I determined that the index sensor was bad, I could not verify a formatted disk. I decided to put in a new drive rather than fix it. First I put in an IBM Tandon 100 2A, it worked but it looked funny with the "IBM" logo. I settled instead for a TEC FB-2002-TR000 drive. The two drives look different, but they work. More pictures">... [ read more ]

Pictures of New Items

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I received a whole slew of computers, parts, and vintage electronics from Steve and Marcia Plotkin who were clearning out their garage. Here are some pictures. Atari 400 Tricord M40/50 File Server TI Silent 700 AT&T Dataphone II 2248A Sharp HC-4500 Color Handheld Computer Motorola Alpha Mate II pager terminal Unpopulated Series 1 4956 CPU Chassis The rest of the items are vintage electronics, and I put them all in the "items available" directory for future reference until I figure out what to do with them.">... [ read more ]

Toshiba T1100 Plus Laptop

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I ran some tests on my Toshiba T1100 Plus laptop.
The 1986 Toshiba T1100 Plus laptop.
The LCD display is perfect, and the battery still holds a charge. This is rare for such an old laptop, so I periodically re-charge the battery to try to keep it functional for as long as possible. The only issue is that I have to charge up the battery for about 15 minutes before I can complete the boot cycle and load its Toshiba DOS v 3.2.
Bag and docs for the T1100 Plus
More Pictures">... [ read more ]

TRS 80 Model 4 drive replacement

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I have three Model 4's, this one was used last year by one of my students for his class project.
TRS 80 Model 4 with replacement high capacity 1/2-height disk drive.
I installed a replacement drive with 80 tracks / more capacity. Tested, working. If you look just above the new drive you can still see the old metal plate that was covering the original full-height drive. It looks funny so I removed it. More Pictures">... [ read more ]

TRS 80 Model 4P with 15Meg HD

by billdeg
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I ran a series of tests on my TRS 80 Model 4P with TRS 80 15 Meg hard drive.
TRS 80 Model 4P with TRS 80 15 Meg hard drive
I got this one in a trade with Kelly of MARCH, in exchange for a complete Model 1 set up with Expansion Interface.
This system is formatted with Montezuma CP/M and the hard drive is partitioned into A, B, C, and D drive. The disk drives are E and F. There is also an M RAM drive.
More Pictures">... [ read more ]

Tip on Copying CBM disks (non-C64)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
This is a copy of a post from CBM-hackers mailing list, from Steve Gray. I am going to give it a try. "..I've had good success transfering 8x50 disks using a B128, serial cable, cbmlink, and my own CBMXfer (not really required if you can use the cbmlink commandline interface). The nice thing about the B128/600 is its built-in RS-232 port, so there are no specialized cabling or adapters to build. .." Steve Gray ">... [ read more ]

SWTPC 6800 memory upgrade

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I installed an additional 4K successfully onto the MP-8M2 RAM card. Now I have access to 8K 0000-0fff = 4K 1000-1fff = 8K A000- ?? = MP-A2 processor scratch RAM">... [ read more ]

Creative Computing BASIC Library

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I am not sure where or when I got these, but here is a collection of BASIC programs from Creative Computing magazine. Using a terminal program like Teraterm a person can feed these BASIC programs by using the "send file" command. Once the proram has been downloaded, edit to operate on the system to match the version of BASIC installed. Download">... [ read more ]

Amstrad PCW8256

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The Amstrad PCW8256 is unique because the storage media is 3 inch diskettes (not 3.5"). This is the first model of the PCW "Joyce" line.
The Amstrad PCW8256 Wordprocessor Computer uses 3 inch disks (not 3.5").
This system worked the last time I powered it on (earlier 2000's) but apparently the drive belt has finally gone bad. Here is a link for repair information. I *guess* I will replace the belt if I can get one cheaply enough. As always there is always someone selling parts on Ebay... href="/amstrad/">Pictures">... [ read more ]

NEC PC-8201A Laptop

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Correction - there is no Kyosel company ] 11/03/2009
For the past six months I have been doing a lot of reading and research on the early laptop computers. The NEC 8201A is not the first, but it's an excellent example of what "laptop" meant in 1983. The 8201 is actually a re-packaged Kyotronic KC-85 (named for it's Intel 8085 processor), and also is it's third sibling, the Tandy TRS 80 Model 100. Future issues of this web site will feature many more of these early laptops. Some call the Kyotronic "Kyrocera 85" but my Kyotronic has a company called "Kyosel" on the label. ?? The name must have changed to "Kyocera" at some point soon thereafter. ?? The real expert on this subject is Evan Koblentz of and he is a great source on laptop history. NEC PC-8201A">... [ read more ]

Saving Memory to Disk Commodore PET

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Copy Machine Lang PET Cassette Programs ] 07/22/2010
Here are the directions for saving a block of memory (as in a program written to memory from a machine language program loaded from cassette) to disk. 1. format your disk. I have a 2040 attached to my Commodore PET 2001-16N OPEN 1,8,15 PRINT#1,"N0:DISKNAME, 01" 2. Load the program you have, know where it's been loaded. For example, BREAKOUT is loaded by cassette into memory locations 033F to 1491 SYS 1024 - command to load TIM monitor from READY prompt of PET .S "0:BREAKOUT",08,033F,1491 this means on drive 0, create a file called BREAKOUT on unit 8 that consists of what's in memory locations 033F through 1491. Drive 0 on unit 8 is the right hand drive of the model 2040. The disk drive should activate and create the file. Reboot. Load the program load "breakout",8,0 (assuming the disk is still in the right side drive) Enjoy.">... [ read more ]

Teletype ASR 33 Woes

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ ASR33 Update - Printing ] 10/25/2009
I knocked over my working teletype ASR 33. Now it does not work correctly. After locating all of the pieces, I carefully re-installed as much I could. I was only partially successful.
The typewriter part of the Teletype model ASR 33 responsible for moving the print head over one space at a time.
I do know that the teletype is sending data correctly from the keyboard to the computer through the serial cable, and the computer is receiving the commands. Output from the computer to the teletype is received and the print head itself is printing the correct characters. The problem is that the print head is not moving horizontally along the line, it just says in place and types each character on top of itself.
If I">... [ read more ]

PET 8032 with 64K mem expansion

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The Commodore PET 8032. This unit has the 64K Memory Expansion Installed.
Because I don't have a working PET 4032 motherboard I decided to install a PET 64K memory expansion kits in one of my 8032's instead. The memory expansion board consists of 32 4116 chips. The Motherboard's 6502 is moved to the memory board. I have two PET 8032's - SN 01026512 (works, has a missing 4 key) and SN 01026512 (works, brand new keyboard, 2 Amp fuse mod). I chose the latter for the 64K upgrade because it was in better shape. The physical installation went just fine, the kit had all of the parts. A p">... [ read more ]

TRS 80 Model 1 with Composite Mod

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I am working on hacking a TRS 80 Model 1 that will work with a composite monitor. I found this thread from 2003 about it. http://www.classi...uly/017197.html More detail to come.">... [ read more ]

S-100 Buffered Prototype Board

by monahan_z
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ I/O board ] 10/23/2009
Andrew Lynch and I have just completed the layout of a new S-100 Prototype Board that is designed to help take away the initial drugery of building S-100 prototype boards. We have laid out the board so all the address and data lines are buffered through 74LS245's or 74LS244's. Most of the common S-100 bus control and status signals are also buffered. So the user can right away get down to building useful circuits without the bus connection/IC overhead. Also the board is arranged so a daughter piggyback (no S-100) board can be attached via a series of connectors. This way you can have cheap simple test boards made before you "burn" your own real (more expensive) S-100 board. Currently we are getting 10 of these boards made for ourselves. If there is a strong demand we could possibly do more for others. We don't have an exact price yet but it should be south o">... [ read more ]
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