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IBM PC AT (ARC X86) need dump

by vlad
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Try any 286 BIOS ] 06/18/2010
Hello, i have the American Research 80286 mainboard and whant bring it to live. The mobo has come to me without BIOS, N82S147 and 16L8A PALs Have anybody the dump of this chips. I think that schematic of this mobo is much close to IBM reference (exept controllers is from UMC), so the dumps from IBM can work to...">... [ read more ]

'nother Northstar Horizon

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Rich Cini gave me a non-functional Northstar Horizon at the CP/M workshop the other month. I have finally gotten around the Horizon that I was given a few months ago. This was a system with the Vector Graphics cards. I removed the Vector Graphics cards and replaced with stock Horizon cards. Works fine, no issues. Pictures Each year I hope to be able to do a demo of a Northstar Horizon in computer history class, this year I have a better chance at at least one of these working when the day comes. I have had issues in the past. My question - The front face plate of my first Horizon reads Northstar* This new one reads North Star * Computers HORIZON The answer: The plate that reads "NorthStar" came first. ... [ read more ]

IBM PC Parts Trade List / Inventory

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Update date is thread date.
IBM-branded Tandon 100 2A drives
To follow is a partial inventory of IBM PC parts and peripherals on hand, and these are the kinds of things I am willing to trade or possibly sell. If you do not see what you're looking for here, please contact me QTY/MANUF/DESCR/MODEL PART NUM 4/IBM/1983 Fixed Disk Floppy Diskette"/61-031099-00 MV-X6D 2/IBM/6188162 XM/FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER 1/DAK/COMPONENT VIDEO CARD/VG-100 REV 01 1988 1/IBM/BLACK & WHITE/PARALLEL/1501483 XM 1/IBM/BLACK & WHITE/PARALLEL/1501985 1/IBM/EGA VID CARD/6280539 XM/WITH EXPANSION DAUGHTER CARDS 1/TAGOSHI/MONO DISP PARALLEL/ 1/IBM/EXTENDER/1501416-6319935 3/AST/SIX PACK PLUS 1/EVEREX/HD CONTROLLER/EV 392 1/PLUS HARD CARD 20 WITH MANUAL AND INSTALL DISK (UNTESTED/NOT WORKING) ">... [ read more ]

Product Docs Inventory Update

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ manuals wanted ] 06/06/2010
Here is a list of product docs I have on hand, for future reference. This is not a complete list. These docs can be found on the bottom shelf in the middle of the row of the product docs and software book shelves.
  • Shugart SA800/801 Diskette Storage Drive Maintenance Manual
  • Shugart SA460/410 Minifloppy maintenance manual (missing cover)
  • Shugart SA410/460 96 TPI Single/Double-sided Minifloppy Diskette Storage Drives Service Manual
  • Shugart SA1000 Fixed Disk Drive OEM Manual
  • Tandon Product Specifications Mini Double Sided Recording Flexible Disk Drive Model TM100-4 96 TPI DSR
  • Tandon TM50-1, TM50-2 Flexible Disk Drives Product Specification and User's Manual
  • MPI Flexible Disk Drive 91/92 Product Manual
  • WD1002S-WX2A / WD1002A-WX1 Winchester Disk Controller OEM Manual (June 1987)
  • Quantum ProDrive ELS 42/85/127/170S Product Manual 1992
  • Adap">... [ read more ]
  • Altair 680

    by JonnyPlate
    Total messages in this thread: 8
    Updated: [ toggle switches ] 06/04/2010
    I recently came across an Altair 680 at a garage sale. I picked it up for 4 dollars. I'm curious if there is a way if I can determine if it is original or not? or if it is a 680B ? ">... [ read more ]

    S-100 Serial cards

    by ragooman
    Total messages in this thread: 1
    I updated several things on my webpage and added this one link below to help sort out the S-100 serial cards. There's a couple of links I still have to add to this which I should get to soon. I also notated on there about the diff modes the SSM IO4 can emulate.">... [ read more ]

    IBM PS/2 Model 8530

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 1
    1987 IBM PS/2 Model 8530. This was an 80C86 computer with IBM PS/2 Microchannel technology. These systems were very popular for home use. Click Image for additional photos.
    ">... [ read more ]

    IBM Eduquest Forty

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 1
    1993 IBM Eduquest Forty was a later PS/2 system made to run special Eduquest software on the Windows 3.1 OS. These systems were primarily marketed to K-12 schools for use by students. The display was large - 1,024 x 768 - making this a pretty hefty all-in-one system. The Eduquest computers were actually re-branded model PS/2 systems and I assume could share parts for repairs. Click Image for additional photos.
    ">... [ read more ]

    Macintosh Computer Photos

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 1
    1987 Macintosh II. This was the first of a new line of Macintosh computers, and this was the first Mac to not have a built-in display. As you can see from the photo, the new Mac design was similar to the IBM AT and Amiga computers. Click Image for additional photos.
    1989 Macintosh SE FDHD. FDHD indicated that this SE has 1.4MB disk drives. The original all-in-one Mac design was still popular in the late 80's. Click Image for additional photos.
    198">... [ read more ]

    IBM 360 Supplemental Control Panel

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 2
    Updated: [ IBM 360 Supplemental Control Panel ] 05/29/2010
    An unidentified 1800, dated 1969. Click Image for larger view.
    detailed pictures This is an IBM 1800 supplemental control panel I picked up on Ebay a few weeks ago. The service tag is 1969. It's full of SLT chips. My theory is that it may have been used to monitor data transfers or to make sure one machine was cabled up correctly to another, I don't really know. There were computer-like devices that used the CPU of the mainframe computer to test and manipulate the mainframe's data as an add-on function for diagnostics and repair purposes. This type of device contributed to the evolution of stand-alone microcomputers, the Altair was not simply a simplified PDP 8. Add a microprocessor and RAM to a device like this an">... [ read more ]

    Notes on Bitstreamer II for Altair

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 1
    From Tom of the Altair Yahoo Group: The Bitstreamer II works in an Altair mainframe and provides three serial ports plus parallel ports. The Bitstreamer II works at 4MHz with 8251A IO chips. The Bitstreamer II works atb 6MHz with 9551 IO chips. The Bitstreamer II has software available for the MDM 7.12 modem program and Tarbell 1011D controller CP/M. The Bitstreamer II can exist in an Altair with minimum port address conflict. The Bitstreamer II works with the VG Z-80, PR-III, and ZCB. The Bitstreamer II works with the VG 2K 4.0C monitor and my 4.0x monitor. Source code is available for both Z80 monitors. ">... [ read more ]

    Multimachine Games using 2 PET 2001s

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 3
    Updated: [ Flash Attack for the PET ] 05/24/2010
    Two Commodore PET 2001's linked in chat mode. Click image for larger view.
    In honor of the PET Alive! event, I thought I'd take a crack at the experiments listed in the article Multimachine Games by Ken Wasserman and Tim Stryker from Byte December 1980, page 24. Their premise is that games are best played against another person, not the computer. They describe the principles for setting up a communications between computers for multiplayer gaming, and they give some examples. Note that the code in the article only works for the 2001 model, not the 4000 series. Not sure about the 3000 series, those were not sold in the US. At VCF 9 Larry Anderson had an">... [ read more ]

    Chase lights program for IMSAI 8080

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 2
    Updated: [ Better Solutions ] 05/16/2010
    Here's a program you can toggle into your IMSAI 8080 that should display the "chase the lights" effect in your programmed output section. Text edit suggestions by Andy Meyer and Bill Dromgoole, program suggestion by Mike Loewen. First, turn on your IMSAI and toggle the STOP switch, them the RESET switch, then STOP again. Second, flip all of the data switches down and flip the Examine switch up. (This says "I want to work with address location 0000") Third, enter the following instructions into memory. (NOTE: DEPOS is a bi-directional momentary switch - it will not stay up or down. When you flip the switch up, you're telling the computer to deposit a value into the memory location you EXAMINE(d). When you flip it down, you're telling the computer to deposit a value into the NEXT memory location.) IMPORTANT! All ADDRESS - DATA switches should always be in the down ">... [ read more ]

    Trenton Computer Festival 2010

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 1
    Bob Applegate and son, and the MITS Altair 8800 on display
    As with the past five years, MARCH had an exhibit booth in the clubs area of the Trenton Computer Festival. Club members picked up a few choice items from the flea market, and a few MARCH-ians had their own tables. Evan did his vintage computing for newbies talk on Saturday around 1PM, and then Bill and Evan hosted a lecture on the History of Computing in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the US. Download PDF format 3.9 Mb More Pictures Proceedings from TCF 2010:">... [ read more ]

    Dysan PAT-2+

    by billdeg
    Total messages in this thread: 1
    New Project Dysan PAT-2+ Performance Alignment Tester and 8" 48TPI 360 RPM 2 Sided drive - disk 360/2A. More to come.">... [ read more ]
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