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TRON 3D Vintage Computer Sigtings

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Allow me to claim first report of the following in the Flynn arcade back office / computer lab 1. Digital RL01 drives in a rack with an 11/34 or 11/70 on the bottom 2. Commodore 1571 drive (it was a prop on the bottom shelf of a little end table, covered with dust) There were other misc. devices, but nothing that I could identify In the young Flynn's room was a 3. MacIntosh SE of some sort.">... [ read more ]

Retro Computing Roundtable Podcast #4

by billdeg
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Retro Computing Roundtable podcast. David Greelish (host) Earl Evans Jason Scott Bill Degnan (me)">... [ read more ]

The TRS-80 Digitizer - An Early Scanner

by billdeg
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The TRS-80 Digitizer was an early document scanner that was primarily used by Model 1 and Coco users. The scanner was primitive and was not used for business applications.
More pics More Info: http://www.trs-80...gitizer/ The TRS-80 Digitizer 26-1195">... [ read more ]

NEC Spinwriter 3530 Printer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1

Before making an attempt to break into the computer and computer display markets, NEC was most known for it's high quality business printers.
Before laser printers replaced them, the daisywheel-type printer was the standard for business / office printing. The 3530 was popular in the early 1980's. pics ">... [ read more ]

Radio Shack TRS-80 VoxBox

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The VoxBox Speech Recognition Device allowed a person to save their voice patterns into their TRS-80 Model 1 computer for voice recognition programming. Pretty slick for 1979. Click image to see the complete boxed unit including CB-like microphone, cassette programs, and VoxBox unit.
The box for the VoxBox model 26-1181
More information">... [ read more ]

TRS 80 Eight Meg Disk System

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The TRS 80 Eight Meg Disk System was a monstrous hard drive, very fragile, and cost thousands of dollars in the early 1980's.
The TRS 80 Model II stands next to the Eight Meg drive for size comparison purposes.
The 20 pin data ports are only needed if you're attaching a 2nd, 3rd, 4th drive to the primary hard drive. Imagine having 4 hard drives running at once.
The original shipping box with catalog no. 26-4150
... [ read more ]

LIFE Simulations on PDP 8/e

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I have been running LIFE simulations using various symbolic patterns. Here is a sample: Spontaneous Generation of Squirrels http://www.yo...-H-h-s5IpM Christian Cross Prophet http://www.yout...h?v=7H-wb89WvoE Die, Nazi">... [ read more ]

Computer News 80

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I have been given a set of Computer News 80 newsletters. Volume 1.1 through 2.2. I will post copies if it's legal..Contact me if you're looking for these. I have not found an online archive. Doing a little checking I have learned that Computer News 80 was created by a man named Stan Slater (who passed away) to fill the void left when Micro 80 stopped writing about the TRS computers in order to focus only on the Tandy DOS line. I have a copy of the last Micro 80 with TRS 80 articles, there was an editorial about the decision to stop covering the TRS 80 line. That was 1987. The same year I started by internship at IBM. Read More:">... [ read more ]

TRS 80 Model 4P 26-1080 and 26-1080A

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ 26-1080 S/N 002615 ] 11/28/2010
4 TRS 80 Model 4P computers.
Two of these are 26-1080's and Two are 26-1080A's. The green screen displays are 1080A's. Although some 1080's are non-gate array units, the 1080A's are probably all gate array.
To run the diagnostic package in the ROM, hold down the period key ( . ) and then power on the system. You'll access a ROM program for testing the system. It looks like RAM tests.
Here is a picture of the two types of cover latches one can find on the 4P to clamp the cover to the chassis. I prefer the metal.
Notes from 4p Technical Reference Manual">... [ read more ]

RAMCheck Innovations 64-256 K RAM Tester

by billdeg
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RAMCheck Innovations 64-256 K RAM Tester. This device works tests for shorts. Also id's whether chip is a RAM chip at all, and if so whether it's a 64 or 256K chip.
">... [ read more ]

TRS 80 Color Computer 2

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Tandy Color Computer 2 (Gen II) ] 02/26/2013
The TRS 80 Color Computer 2 model 26-3027.
Boot screen and PRINTMEM. As you can see by the lower than expected memory (this is supposed to be a 16K machine), one of the 8040517 RAM chips is bad. The 16K Coco II did not use "regular" RAM like the more expensive Coco II.
Coco 2 pics (multiple models)">... [ read more ]

Tandy TRS 80 Color Computer 26-3002A

by billdeg
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The TRS 80 Color Computer 1 model 26-3002A. This unit is pretty beat up looking, but it works.
Boot screen and PRINTMEM of the coco 1
more pics">... [ read more ]

Tandy / Texas Peripharals 5 1/4" drives

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Three 5 1/4" disk drives commonly used with Tandy computers from the TRS 80 model 1 with expansion unit and the Coco 1 and 2.
I have begin diagnostics and repair of a set of about 10 external drives. Mostly these enclosures have the Texas Peripherals International (TPI) model 10-5355-00 installed.">... [ read more ]

Commodore BX-256-80 - 8088 Co-processor

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ 256-80 ROMs are fine with 8088 ] 11/19/2010
The other day I saw some rare Commodore CBM 256-80 computers for sale and despite the lack of keyboards I bought them. Turned out to be a great deal!
CBM 256-80 with 8088 co-processor
Upon inspection of the insides, I was surprised to find that both were actually the BX models. This is truly a rare find, indeed. The 256-80 BX is also known as the CBMX256-80 and the BX256-80. In the US the CBM 256 "BX" model with the 8088 co-processor was not officially sold by Commodore. The few 8088 cards that were produced in test/prototype batches were given to the Chicago B Series User Group for free. I have a copy of the release letter to prove it. Bruce Faierson, the 2nd president of CBUG and owner of Northwest Music near Chicago, installed a few CBM 256-80's with these prototype">... [ read more ]

Litton Sweda International 8452

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
A computer appeared on the floor of my shop the other day. It's a Litton Sweda International Floppy Disk Model 8452. I am not sure if this is a single 8" floppy disk drive or a computer with a floppy disk drive. On the back is a 15 pin female connector and two sets of four circular female 8-pin connectors. More to come.">... [ read more ]
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