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Another IBM 5150 rev "A"

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I received another IBM Personal Computer model 5150 16K/64K motherboard with the black power supply. The system came with a Plus Hardcard 20, an extra 64K card (combined with the motherboard RAM = 128K system), dual IBM 36 drives with stock controller, and the IBM monochrome monitor card. Initial boot: 9010 201 + (...I then pressed F2 to clear the error, followed by...) PARITY CHECK 2 error I removed the Plus Hardcard 20 and rebooted. This time I only got the PARITY CHECK 2 error message. I checked the jumper settings and re-seated the RAM. System booted perfectly, both drives work. The serial number is 0239462 and the ROM is dated 10/27/82, one year newer than the MARCH IBM PC 5150 previously restored and discussed in this blog. I then tried the PLus Hardcard 20 again. I am not sure if I need the driver or special boot disk, but I get a 1701 error">... [ read more ]

need system disk for Sony wp OA-S3300

by Leslie Aguillard
Total messages in this thread: 1
I have a vintage Sony wp and lost the system disk for drive 1. Without it, the wp won't work. Surely, someone has a back up for this wonderful system. contact">... [ read more ]

updated my Computer Parts list

by ragooman
Total messages in this thread: 1
I updated my parts list online. Slowly but surely, I'll have what's in the parts bins from my workbench online. =Dan">... [ read more ]

IBM 5150 Restoration Project

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ Install monocrhome cd and 64K card ] 06/02/2008
This thread pertains to the restoration of IBM PC 5150 sn 0192592. This is a model "A" and an early one at that. Note the pictures of the serial number sticker compared with "newer" model A's. Note to self for parity messages / switch settings info: http://www.vint...hread.php?p=62972 href="ibm/5150/5150_A/">Pictures of IBM PC Model 5150 "A" 16-64K Motherboard Quick summary - I was able to get the system to boot with 32K RAM. I have identified that bank 3 (and/or 4) has a bad chip in it, need to replace. More details to follow...">... [ read more ]

updated Electronics Parts Supplier List

by ragooman
Total messages in this thread: 1
I updated my Electronics Parts Supplier List on my website If anyone is looking where to find parts, you can take a look here too http://www2.applega...-electronics-parts.html">... [ read more ]

Smith Hall Display on the Apple Computer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
".. On behalf of my Computing Museum Curator colleagues (Lori Pollock, Chandra Reedy), I invite you all to peruse the latest Smith Hall lobby display dedicated to the Apple Computer. The display was sponsored by an Arts & Sciences College Transformation Grant, and is the result of independent study efforts by two undergraduates: Zelphi (Sola) Johnson, a CIS senior who will be joining our dept in the fall as a PhD student, and Katherine Chiumento, a senior Art Conservation major. Bill Degnan, who teaches CISC367: History and Preservation of Microcomputing for the Department, helped acquire most of the components in the display as well as provide invaluable technical expertise on their history. Enjoy! Paul .."">... [ read more ]

Tarbell Controller 8080 System CP/M 2.2

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ Another 1101D to compare with... ] 04/27/2008
I found in my stuff a Tarbell disk controller and docs that refers to CP/M 1.4, with directions for installation and testing on an Altair or IMSAI with 8080. Interestingly I also found a few CP/M 2.2 disks labeled "Tarbell". Hmm.. Then I found this Before this video I did not know that there was a 2.2 version of CP/M for the 8080 computer. For some reason I thought few people if any used anything other than a z-80 processor system to run CP/M 2.x - I thought that CP/M 2.2 would only work on the z-80. I guess I was wrong! I have either of these two versions of CP/M 2.2 on disk, not sure which yet: 14 16 00 00 06 97 9603CPM.COM Tarbell CP/M 2.2 14 16 00 00 06 98 9605CPM.COM Tarbell CP/M 2.2 (from ..http://www.retrotechno...dri/cpm_serial.html) I wonder if these are simply the 8080 and Z80 versions? At some">... [ read more ]

Trenton Computer Festival 2008

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Here are some pictures from Saturday at the Trenton Computer Festival, 2008. The featured display of the Mid Atlantic Retro Computing Hobbyists' (MARCH) exhibit was it's Digital (DEC) PDP/8 - an original "straight 8" serial number 1158. The machine, according to David Gesswein, is restorable. Donated by Claude Kagan Also part of the PDP 8 system is a plotter (name?) and an ASR 33 teletype. Also displayed was an IMSAI 8080, Atari 800xl, Atari 2600, Apple //e, Commodore PET 2001-8, Intel MCBS-10 control module, Amiga 500, and Amiga 3000. Pictures from TCF 2008">... [ read more ]

BBC Master 128 wanted

by locki_star
Total messages in this thread: 1
Hi all, Anyone got a working BBC Master 128 they dont need anymore? Let me know... willing to pay for shipping to UK, and maybe a little extra for effort :)">... [ read more ]

Processor Technologies VDM-1

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I have been accumulating these display cards because I have found them easy to use with CUTER for testing memory, etc. Testing Results: 3 working 1 sends "crazy" display of characters to screen 1 burned out IC c8.">... [ read more ]

Micropolis Disk Drives and IMSAI 8080

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ Micropolis 1015 IV ] 04/15/2008
Summary of recent testing Pics 1) IMSAI with 16K continuous RAM from page 0 (0000H) Cutter Installed on C000. - OK 1.5) I have a bunch of 16 hard sector disks with various labels including a Micropolis BASIC 2.0 MOD 1 Master Diskette of unknown operational status. I do not know if these are operational disks. 2) Micropolis bootstrap loaded into F400 as indicated by manual 3) Pre-load drive behavior is as expected. Cable is attached as indicated in manual 4) Micropolis 1033 I When I execute F400 H an audible click is heard coming from drive, but no OS is loaded. Drive is continuously spinning. Drive does not attempt to read disk. System display "freezes/holds", and does not return to prompt without STOP/RESET/RUN. Upon RESET, the disk drive responds with another click, but drive continues to spin Same result if I swap drive 0 for">... [ read more ]

Document Update - More Docs!

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Partial list #2 of docs Gemini-10x/15x Users Manual 1983 [Commodore, Apple, Atari, IBM PC, Osborne 1, TRS 80 compatible printer] Biorythm A Personal Science by Bernard Gittelson Special Edition First Printing 1977 Uni-Ops Technical "Books UNIX & C" magazine Volume 4, #1 Jan 1989 Wunderbuss I/O Controller Technical Reference Manual Rev 1, 1981 (order a copy here): http://www.retro...s100bus.html Fulcrum Computer Products 1981 IMSAI Compatible Products List! General Instrument Microelectronics Product Guide 1980 Industrial Devices Inc Off the shelf Indicator Lights for all products and purposes - Non-relampable / LED / Relampable Educational Microcomputer Systems (EMS) M68K 68000 Single Board Computer Brochure Educational Microcomputer Systems (EMS)M68K MD512K Memory - Disk Controller Board Brochure Fluke 8020A Instruction Manual">... [ read more ]

Why how you store old computers matters.

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Today my son flooded the bathroom. He's only 4, these things happen. By chance I walked down to the basement and I heard the sound of drip drip drip on plastic coming from the computer storage room. When I entered the room I saw water raining from the ceiling onto a section of my vintage computers...AGGH! That's right, it was *raining* on my IBM PCs, XTs, a 5155, AT, motherboards, IBM clones, portables, laptops, docs, software etc... but don't worry. Everything is stored on shelves one inch off the ground in water proof covers or bags, even the boxed stuff. Result - Nothing damaged! The water bounced harmlessly off the covers to the floor and was relatively easy to clean up. (using a mop to fill a bucket of water plus about 20 rags and a roll of paper towels). I asked my son..."what lesson did you learn?" He said, "Don't leave the water running in the bathroom" I said, "No. A">... [ read more ]

IMSAI 8080 Project

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 7
Updated: [ Update ] 04/06/2008
NOTES: IMSAI 8080 1-10-05 http:.../8080_number1/ These are some quick pictures for my reference, before this computer goes under the knife. I am going to work on one card at a time. The first thing I want to do is get rid of that stupid keyboard rigging. I have a replacement card and cable someplace... Currently (not shown) I can get screen output to a regular Commodore 1801, but it's not much. The disk drive was supposedly working recently, but I have not had much luck loading anything. I have some spare drives hopefully I can piece something together. About the books - These I had lying around, except the IMSAI User Manual which came with the computer. I hear that these are hard to come by. Not pictured are the manuals for all of the cards encased. More specific details to follow. Card names, part numbers, etc. -------">... [ read more ]

Apple //e in the dish washer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
For kicks I took the lid of a yellowed Apple //e and washed it in the dishwasher with the dishes. I left the rest of the chassis unwashed. I took before and after pics. Here is the result. Comparing the washed lid at the sloped spot where the Apple //e is printed) with the main chassis nearby, there appears to be little or no improvement/change in the yellowing stain. NOTE: Because the monitor usually sits on top of the cover, the flat part of the lid is usually less yellowed than the sloped part. Compare same views of before and after. Pics Find the larger image matching the thumbnail on the right. That's a best pic for comparison. Not much difference after dishwashing with a lemon soap. ">... [ read more ]
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