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by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ RT 11 v 5.3 needs 32K ] 07/23/2016
Friday night - I have simh installed on my raspberry pi, and I am using my laptop to connect via the serial port, two usb to serial cables and a null modem adapter. works well. root@raspberrypi: CD BIN root@raspberrypi: ./pdp11 sim> SET CPU 11/40 sim> SET CPU 16K etc. To make sure everything was working correctly I set up a PDP 11/05 per this page and loaded BASIC http://iamvirtual...c-11/Basic-11.htm To exist BASIC - use ctrl+E to return to the sim> prompt. Next I attempted RT-11 by following the directions here: http://gunkies....lling_RT-11_5.3_on_SIMH (Noel's site) root@raspberrypi: cd /bin root@raspberrypi: ./pdp11 sim> do inst.ini ... Overwrite last track? [N] y etc. follow directions on Noel's site to set up your PDP 11/23+ environment. Noel finishes with directions to create a run.ini that you can load and bypass the inst">... [ read more ]

Installing Core into PDP 11/40

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 15
Updated: [ More MAINDEC CQKC-D ] 07/21/2016
32K x 16 Core backplanes installed into my working PDP 11/40. Conversation below explains layout. Click image for larger view.
Email to CCTECH: Background - I have a PDP 11/40 that came to me with a CPU backplane and a general purpose 4 slot peripheral backplane (DD11-C). The CPU backplane came to me connected to the 4 slot via a std 11/40 M981. In the 4-slot I have I have a working 64K solid-state RAM card, M7856 serial card, M9312 bootstrap/console card, and an RL02 drive controller. I can access RAM from the console, run the console program (monitor program) off the M9312 through the serial card. I can't boot yet off the RL02 and I am thinking this is due to a termination issue, not sure yet. I decided I need mor">... [ read more ]

Felt-Tarrant Comptometer Model J

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The Comptometer Model J, manufactured by Felt-Tarrant, Chicago. This unit has a serial number that indicates it was made in 1929. Click for larger view.
Click for larger view.
I picked this up at a local farmers' market for $15, thinking it was an older model. I did some research and found that this was the "J" was sold during the Roaring 20's, so it's not the original Comptometer from the late 19th century. The first units had a wooden case. Oh well, still interesting looking. The woman who sold it to me said they have the missing">... [ read more ]

X-Men: Apocalypse: IBM PCs in CIA office

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Just for the record, when you watch this movie, if you do...the IBM PCs in the CIA office were mine. I rented them to the movie production company through the VCFed. The scene is supposed to depict the CIA offices as they would have looked in 1983. I am pretty sure they would not have had IBM PCs on every desk back then. They would have had terminals running PROFs, but ... the price was right. You'll see the IBM PCs just as Professor Xavier starts talking to agent Moira MacTaggert. If you don't have the movie, you can briefly see a PC or two in the movie preview. Here is the scene">... [ read more ]

Digital Rainbow PC100-B2 (100+ and B2)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Archive VENIX ] 02/22/2017
DEC Rainbow 100+ removed from and resting upon it's pedestal case. Click for larger image.
This thread will document the restoration of two DEC Rainbow Model PC-100 B2 units. Both are not functional. One is a "plus" unit with a pedestal case. Otherwise they're pretty much the same.
DEC Rainbow display with plenty of screen rot, model VR-201. The display works inside, so the question is whether to attempt a repair or just swap with a non-working case. Click for larger image.
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Configuring a DL-11 M7800 serial card

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ Repair Tips ] 06/16/2016
DL-11 M7800 front side jumpers
This DL-11 M7800 serial card was installed in the rear of the PDP 11/40 "industrial11" backplane and was attached to an unknown device by a 1700004-1 flat cable (a.k.a cable with Berg connectors both ends). Click image for larger view.
More photos I don't know what this card was originally connected to, something that communicated at 4800b with 8 data bits. I decided to re-purpose this card and attempt to convert for use with a console terminal at 9600 b 8N1. If I come upon the original device (phone?) I can refer back to the original settings. --------------------------">... [ read more ]

Restoring a Lear Siegler ADM-3A

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Ian Primus clued me in about the potentiometer just behind the yoke of the ADM-3A display CRT. These are used as a secondary control used to adjust the brightness. The tube display is weak and needed more voltage to the tube. Click image for larger view.
Basically this ADM-3A needs some help. I am not sure if this is the same ADM-3 I wrote about in 2008, or if I gave that one to VCFed for their museum. At one time I had three. This is the only ADM-3A I have now, so I decided to bring it to the VCFed Workshop this past weekend, June 12th (13th).
Two problems. First the terminal logic is sending zero's to the vi">... [ read more ]

PDP 11 9312 ROM Inventory

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Here is a list of the PDP 11 9312 ROMs I have on hand. I have many duplicates if you see this list and would like to buy a ROM from me, or trade something: 751A9 RL01/RL02 (DL) 752A9 RK06, RK07 (DM) 753A9 RX01 floppy disk, S.DEN (DX) 755A9 RP02/RP03 (DP), Massbus RP04, RP05, RP06, RM02, RM03 (DB) 756A9 RK03, RK05 DECdisk (DK), TU55, TU56 DECtape (DT) 757A9 TU45, TU77, TE16 Massbus tape (MM) 758A9 TS03, TU10, TE10 tape (MT) 759A9 RS03, RS04 (DS) 760A9 ASR33 (TT), PC05 (PP) 761A9 TU60 DECcassette (CT) 764A9 TS04, TS11, TU80 tape (MS) 765A9 TU58 DECtape II (DD) 767A9 MSCP disk, including UDA50, RAxx, RA80 (DU) 811A9 RX02 floppy disk, double density (DY) 616F1 - CONSOLE ROM 248F1 - A0 SG 990A9 - RA80 VAX ONLY 811A9 - RX02 For more info">... [ read more ]

Setting Up OpenVMS 7.1 DNS CLERK

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
DNS Clerk Manage namespace and clearinghouse characteristics for the DIGITAL Distributed Name Service (DECdns) clerk. dns clerk, known namespace, manual nameserver , remote clearinghouse I believe you set DNS using BIND in OPenVMS...checking stand With">by.,.. http://labs.ho...node/1533 "..With TCP/IP Services V5.0 and later, invoke the configuration tool: $ @SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$CONFIG.COM With TCP/IP Services versions prior to V5.0, invoke the configuration tool: $ @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG.COM You will want to select the so-called core environments configuration menus within the configuration tool to access the host name and the IP address(es) assigned to the network controllers, or to change the IP domain or subdomain for the host. If you are using DNS, you will want to coordinate the host name change with the organization maintaining your DNS ser">... [ read more ]

Telnet host list

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
This thread contains public Internet telnet hosts that can be accessed from vintage devices with limited graphics. --Thread date equal to last edit date.-- Sands of Time / Deep Space MMO This is a text-only adventure game with multiple players in real time. ">... [ read more ]

Raytheon VT302 Computer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Former owner experience ] 05/31/2016
Little is known about the Raytheon VT302 office computer. I was able to boot the communications disk that came with it. I also took it apart and took pictures. I was surprised to find that this is an 8085 CPU computer. Very rare. I have the manual to the earlier version of this system, with cassette storage. Note the interesting controls on the Raytheon display. What's next? I would like to image the one working diskette, and possibly recover what appears to be the system disk. Raytheon VT302 pictures">... [ read more ]

PDP 11/40 72 inch cabinet model

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ re-assembly and power ] 05/12/2016
For lack of a better name, I will refer to this PDP 11/40 as the "full height" or 72" cage system to differentiate it from the others I am working on. The PDP 11/40 front panel and card cage chassis is located at the top of the 72" cabinet. This photo was taken before the unit was cleaned up. Click image for larger view.
PDP 11/40 core memory
Note the H and G modules of a core memory system. These cards are from the top chassis. Click image for larger view.
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Vintage Computer Festival East XI

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Bill Degnan DEC MicroVAX 3100 VCF East 2016
Here I am next to my DEC MicroVAX 3100 display. I also brought the VAX 4000-200, VT100 and VT220 terminals, a Toshiba T3200SX, and a Zenith minisPORT. Click image for larger view.
Jump to All Photos I have exhibited at VCF East since the first one (VCF 3) in N.J. I always have a great time and I really admire the job Evan and the team did to put this together. The speakers were top notch. I got to each dinner with Ted Nelson and we chatted about computer history and what he was up to today. I'll follow up with some of those details, but for now, here are more photos: Cyclops... [ read more ]

Processor Tech 3P + S ASR 33 Jumpers

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Processot Tech 3P+S ASR 33 Jumpers
The front view of the Processor Technologies 3P+S I/O S-100 card, used by early S-100 systems such as the Altair and IMSAI. This card is wired and jumpered for use with the Teletype ASR 33.
More photos">... [ read more ]

Honeywell H316 Kitchen Computer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Honeywell H316 Kitchen Computer and H516
Back cover of the Honeywell H316 General Purpose Digital Computer Operators Guide. May 1969. This guide also covers the 516 models. Click image for larger view.
So anyway, I have the manual, someone please send me the computer. I will pay shipping. NOTE - if this manual is not available elsewhere let me know, I did not see it on Honeywell has the nicest manual photos. ">... [ read more ]
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