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Using an ASR 33 Teletype with IBM PC

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ IBM Async Card Current Loop Jumper ] 02/19/2013
There is a socketed shunt module on the bottom right of the original IBM async board, just pull it out and re-insert upside down (so the dot is pointing down) for current loop. If you're going to use slot 8 of an IBM PC or XT a jumper is required on connector J13. Why I don't know off-hand. Plug a regular-old EIA connector into the serial card in the back. The serial connector pins you need to connect to the teletype are are: pin 9 = + transmit current loop data pin 11 = - transmit current loop data pin 18 = + receive current loop data pin 25 = - receive current loop data [pin 25 is the bottom right (bottom = row of 12 pins)] Then connect to ASR 33: Transmitted data return (-) attaches to terminal strip screw 6 or "number 2 connector" #7 Received data return (-) attaches to terminal strip screw 3 or num 2 connector #5 Transmitted data send (+">... [ read more ]

Compaq OEM MS OS/2 1.10

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ Compaq Deskpro 386s 1.2Mb Drive ] 01/30/2013
The complete Microsoft OS/2 1.10 rev B disks for Compaq.
I am working to recover the 2nd install disk...unfortunately one cannot simply copy the IBM equivalent version, there is a hidden marker file that needs to be changed with a HEX editor before it'll be accepted as a correct disk by the install process.">... [ read more ]

Commodore Disk Archive Project

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 5
Updated: [ 8050 Disk Archive .D80 format ] 01/28/2013
Here are directions for using the MMC64 with RR-Net to make backups of Commodore 64/128 disk libary. See below for a link to get most of the files you'll need. NOTE: You will need to turn the C64 off and on after each successful image extraction. I am looking for a way to avoid this, so far nothing I have tried works. For this reason, it might be best to use a C128 because you have the reset button. 1. Purchase a MMC64 and RR-Net from (In Germany). The MMC64 fits into the cartridge slot of the C64 (or 128). The RR-Net attaches to the MMC64. It has an ethernet jack. 2. Format a SD-memory card, FAT 16 or 32. 3. Download "Warp Copy." The software contains 2 components. One is WARPCOPY06.prg which is to be run on the Commodore c64. The other component is warpcopy.exe which is to be run on a modern Windows PC. Together they work to per">... [ read more ]

PET 4016 to 4096 Project (+64K RAM)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ PETVet ] 01/22/2013
I finally got around to attempting to install a CBM PET 4032 mother board in my 4016 PET.
The Commodore PET 4016-12 Computer.
The 4016 motherboard can be upgraded with the 4032 (32K RAM version) in a matter of minutes. Aside from doubling the RAM (16K --> 32K) the boards are exactly the same, and so is the power supply. Why go through the effort of getting a paltry 32 more K out of the system? My ultimate goal is to turn my 4016 into a "PET 4096" and only the 4032 is compatible with the 64K memory expansion board. I don't have a 4032 anyway, *and* it's easier to change the "1" to a "9" on the case if I was to somehow change the front label. Here is a link to the PET 4032 mother board. Note the top line of RAM chips and then compare with this">... [ read more ]

Employment Opportunity - MIT

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
1965 ad for employment with MIT in Project MAC. Sounds interesting...
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Texas Instruments Compact Computer 40

by billdeg
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Texas Instruments Compact Computer 40
A close-up of the 1983 Texas Instruments Compact Computer 40, also known as the CC-40. After cleaning the battery holder and installing new 4 AA batteries, this unit fired up and was fully functional. Click image for larger view.
Texas Instruments Compact Computer 40
The TI CC-40 is a typical first-generation laptop similar to the Tandy TRS 80 model 100. Out of the box the CC-40 is capable of creating and running BASIC programs, calculator functions, and support add-on cartridges for more specialized functions. The display is a single line 40-character LCD. Click image for larger view.
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Mystery Logic Boards from 1968 or 1969

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Pictured is a pair of computer logic boards from 1968 or 1969. The part numbers (?) printed on the boards are 438811-1 and 438803-1B. Can you identify the manufacturer of these boards? These boards are exactly 14 cm (not including the handles), they're larger than similar boards from Digital Equipment Corporation. The Click image for larger view.
ID labels RA 240-2 and DR 240 are silk-screened on the thumb handles. Click image for larger view.
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OSI Peek[65] vol 4.8 and 4.12 available

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Cover of Ohio Scientific computer-themed newsletter PEEK[65] volume 4 number 8 from August 1983. Scans of these two issues are now available for download
Vol 4.8 (Aug 1983) Vol 4.12 (Dec 1983)">... [ read more ]

MITS 88-2 SIO (2SIO) for BASIC

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 6
Updated: [ IMSAI and 2SIO - Loads 4K BASIC ] 12/15/2012
Click image for detailed pictures of jumpers.
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Teletype ASR 33 S/N 256219 Repair

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ Restoration Complete ] 11/29/2012
The keyboard of the Teletype Model ASR 33. The cover of the teletype has been removed.
I have been working to restore teletypes lately. I am almost done with this one, in fact it was running just fine until I read in a long tape using the reader. Afterwards I noticed that the characters that use the 6th channel/cam to print characters from the keyboard was being switched with channel/cam 7. For example, if you hit the "4" key, the printer prints a T instead. The Model 33 typewheel code chart says that the 4 is printed using channel 3-5-6-8. A "T" is printed by using channels 3-5-7-8. I have asked Wayne from the GreenKeys mailing list for help. He has a teletype repair and restoration business and I highly recommend his services. Closeup p">... [ read more ]

Tandon 100-2A alignment w/o align disk

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Originally posted on TRS 80 Yahoo group, will work on any Tandon 100-2A "..article by Philip Avery ... He used a TRS80 M3 to undertake radial alignment on Tandon drives with a scope, but without an alignment disk. http://www.clas...andon-m100.htm Terry (tez).."">... [ read more ]

Transplanting ASR 33 Power Supply

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
a Teletype ASR 33 UCC-6 (call control unit) power supply
Pictured is a UCC-6 unit removed from a Teletype model ASR 33. The UCC-6 is the power supply for the printer, keyboard, and punch (but not the reader). Click image for larger view.
Transplanting the power supply (the UCC-6) from one Teletype model ASR 33 to another (or from a KSR-33) is much easier than I thought it would be. I thought that there would be a lot of complex re-wiring, desoldering, and re-soldering. Not so! Here are the simple steps. Teletype ASR 33 UCC-6 terminal strip
Step 1. Remove the molex plugs attached to the back of the UCC-6.">... [ read more ]

Lobo Drives International Docs/Software

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Lobo with Shugart 800 Drives ] 11/22/2012
The following are the Lobo docs and software I have on hand Lobo brand OEM sa850/851 double sided diskette storage drive service, maintenance manual (c) 1977 Shugart Assoicates (print. 1980) - In short the Lobo SA850 and Lobo SA851 are to be treated as if they were Shugart double sided 850's. NOTE The SA800/801 are the single-sided equivalent. sa400 Minifloppy Diskette Storage Drive OEM, Service, Maintenance Manual "Preliminary October 1982 Max 80 Operation Manual" (spiral binding) Max 80 Operation Manual (hard cover 3 ring binder and hard-cover box) 1984 SOFTWARE: LDOS OS software v. 5.1.3 for Max-80 Lazy Writer for Max 80 MAX-80 CP/M 2.2 (bad disk) ">... [ read more ]

Computers Built 1940 - 1950

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ On Firsts Lists ] 11/15/2012
Taken from a SIGCIS-Members thread, edits by me. Year Computer Country Name 1941 Z3 Germany 1942 ABC U.S. 1943 Colossus U.K 1944 Colossus II UK (and eight further copies/variants of Colossus II 1944/1945) 1944 Harvard Mark 1 U.S. 1944 Bell Labs Model 3 U.S. 1945 Z4 Germany 1946 ENIAC U.S. 1947 SSEC U.S. 1948 SSEM U.K. 1949 BINAC U.S. 1949 EDSAC U.K. 1949 CSIRC Australia 1949 EDVAC U.S. 1949 MADM U.K. 1950 MESM Ukraine MORE: Bell Labs computers From Paul Ceruzzi's Reckoners: Model II Model IV Model V (two copies) Date completed 7-1943 3-1945 12-1946, 8-">... [ read more ]

Edmund Scientific Co Ad 1973

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Advertisement from Popular Electronics January 1973. Note the "New Electronic Digital Computer Kit" in upper right corner. This would be a very early computer kit that pre-dates the Mark 8/Scelbi. At this time I do not know if this was a microprocessor-based system or a Kenbak-type digital computer. The manufacturer is from Barrington, NJ. Click image for larger view.
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