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PACS Speaking Engagement

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
May 16, 2009 - Vintage Computing: How the Evolution of Microcomputing Influenced PACS with Bill Degnan">... [ read more ]

Epson PX-8 Video on

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
For your viewing pleasure, here is a short stock footage movie of Kelcey using an Epson PX-8 laptop computer: http://www....atch?v=A_6Q7PNd1p8 I received this info from Jan who runs a web site dedicated to the Epson PX-8/Geneva http://www....raan/comp/px8/ H101A (CODE AA) Geneva US keyboard H101A (CODE AC) PX-8 US keyboard H101A (CODE UA) PX-8 UK keyboard I can only speculate why my version has no label, but if I were to guess, I believe the LCD is a replacement screen. I am guessing that there was just one pool of replacement screens, and they did not get the "Geneva" or "PX-8" labels because it was not known whether the screen was being shipped to the US, UK, Japan, or elsewhere. Just a hunch. ">... [ read more ]

California Computer Systems Series 2200

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 5
Updated: [ Bootstrap Loader DJ/DMA ] 02/11/2009
The CCS Series 2200 Mainframe with Jade Controller, 64K RAM, Bitstreamer II, and Morrow drive controller.
More Pictures">... [ read more ]

Compaq Contura 4/25c

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The Compaq Contura 425c. Note that the pointing device for this laptop was a detachable trackball mouse, which allowed for a larger keyboard. There is a spring that is used to clamp the trackball to the side of the keyboard on the side front.
The Compaq Contura 4/25c is a 486 laptop that I used to support when I worked at Zeneca in the early 1990's. The Contura was a lighter-weight Compaq laptop of the early 1990s. I received this computer with Windows 95 installed, but it would have come with Windows 3.1. I tested the modem and it worked. The battery needs to be replaced, it would not hold a charge. Pictures">... [ read more ]

RetroChallenge 2009 - Apple II Biorhythm

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ And the Winner Is... ] 02/08/2009
I signed up for the 2009 RetroChallenge http://r.../winter/news.html href="/apple/appleII/appleII_display_graph.jpg">
Apple II with Apple disk drives and Sony Trinitron color television. Note Biorhythm program running on display. Click thumbnail for larger image.
THE PROJECT: Write a Y2K-compliant Biorhythm program on and for the original Apple II computer, using a vintage color TV. Here is the Biorhythm video: http://www.youtu...tch?v=jYoY1cwAd90 href="/apple/appleII/">Apple II and Biorhythm Photographs NOTES: In order to run the program as intended, load Biorhythm on an Apple II 16K through a television by using one of the special RF signal generators made for the Apple I">... [ read more ]


by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1 chicks and vintage computers.">... [ read more ]

MITS Software Agreement

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
MITS Software Agreement">... [ read more ]

Lanier Word Processor Model 103

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ possible trade ] 05/23/2010
The Lanier Model 103 Word Processor / Computer
The University of Delaware received a Lanier Model 103 Word Processor / Computer as a donation. As you can see it's in pretty bad shape, but it may be at least partially restorable. I have not done much with it, other than open it up for a visual inspection. There's an 8080 processor on the disk drive control board. More pictures">... [ read more ]

Malvern Particle Sizer - CBM 8296 OEM

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ PLA Replacement Malvern CBM 8296 ] 01/11/2009
I have re-started the restoration of the Malvern "Particle Sizer" a CBM 8296 OEM unit from an earlier thread. This is no normal 8296, it looks more like a squashed 8032. In addition to the strangeness of the chassis (compared with the normal 8296), this computer has a daughter board for Co-ax communications and/or particle sizing? with an end port similar to an IBM PC. The true origins of this OEM system is proven by the 8296 label, motherboard part number 324645, and a single internal SFD-1001 drive. Note that since some of these pictures were taken a few years ago I have fixed up some of the dangling bits. Ignore the file date">... [ read more ]

S-100 board testing with Z-80 ICE

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ ICE and RAM may vary in compatibility ] 01/09/2009
I just finished testing a Cromemco 64KZ RAM board. I did this by using Bob Grieb's Z80 ICE, which is made to be plugged into the Z80 slot of computer or controller card. Bob created his own "PIC-based circuit that could emulate a Z80 for displaying memory, writing to I/O ports, etc. as an aid to troubleshooting..." Bob's modern version is based on the Nicolet Paratronics Z80 emulator called the Z80 NICE. I am fortunate to have been given a beta version of this device to test. I inserted his Z80 ICE into a Jade CPU card, which is installed in my California Computer Systems 2200 Series S-100 computer. Using the ICE I was able to determine that the JADE controller was working correctly. Next I tested 2 64K RAM cards a Cromemco 64KZ and a SMS 64K. The SMS was 100% OK, but not the Cromemco. H">... [ read more ]

Northstar Horizon - Boot Problem

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 11
Updated: [ N* back in business ] 01/04/2009
First the situation and then the questions My formerly working Northstar Horizon will no longer boot formerly known-to-work boot disks. This system used to boot up a number of NS disks, worked very well with present hardware. Not sure what happened. I did all of the standard stuff with chips and connections, but I did not do any electrical probing or anything like that. Now, when the system is powered on the drive does not engage the disk. It spins for a spell and then stops. Both the A and B drives will spin together upon boot for 30 seconds and then stop. The left / boot drive is a Tandon TM100-2A with all the jumpers off. The right drive is a MPI model 52 with the first two jumpers on. I have temporarily disconnected this drive. I have a terminator jumper installed on drive A. I have a North Star MDS AD3 controller/interface card with no visible modifications. I tr">... [ read more ]

Lear Siegler ADM 3A

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ ADM3 Working (always has been) ] 12/19/2008
Restoration project notes for Lear Siegler ADM 3A terminal S/N 21818 from late 1977. The bad news: I cannot communicate with a known-working computer, no response from keyboard although box prompt is present. The good news: The picture is in good shape. I cannot get the computer to respond locally either. I tried to jumper pins 2 and 3 (I believe those are the ones). Missing the dip switch cover. Updates to come. Pictures ADM3A">... [ read more ]

C64 for sale

by dmobile215
Total messages in this thread: 1
Keyboard,Floppy Disk Drive (1541) Tape Drive Software 5.25 Fast Hackem Word Processor 64 Gemini Printer included! Make me an offer! ">... [ read more ]

Xerox 820-II

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Coming soon thread about Xerox 820-II project to add a 5 1/4" drive to an already-working system with 8" drives. I have received a lot of disks to archive. Pictures">... [ read more ]

Altair BASIC on cassette

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ WTB Altair Tapes ] 11/26/2008
I bought some "Altair tapes" on Ebay. When the box arrived, I opened it to find that it contained most if not all of the Altair BASIC versions. More to come.">... [ read more ]
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