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Large-Scale Systems Museum (phone pics)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I think we found the right place. My phone camera is only so-so at object photography, but I did get a few usable photos. Next time I visit I plan to bring a good camera and include photos of the equally-wonderful 2nd floor, not pictured in this set. Click image for larger view.
The Varian 620L. This is the system behind the front panel I have from This thread. Click image for larger view.
Digital">... [ read more ]

Digitial MicroVAX 3100 30 System

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 21
Updated: [ Conclusion ] 10/20/2017
MicroVAX 3100 with Storage Expansion
Pictured here is a 1988 (?) Digital MicroVAX 3100 with Storage Expansion boxes. The model number of the 3100 is DV-31BT4-A-A01 which I believe makes it a 3100 model 30. The storage expansion boxes are basically external SCSI hard drives. Their model numbers are DV-31BT4-A-A01(middle) and SZ123-XA (bottom). Click image for larger view.
Show Dev command VAX output
So far I have not done much other than boot the system from the console and run a SHOW DEV command to see what the VMS/VMB assignments are. The system is runnin">... [ read more ]

VAXstation 4000-60

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Can you guess the username and password? I could on the 2nd try. A password as boring as the box. Click image for larger view.
Somewhere along the line DEC stopped trying to make interesting boxes, externally at least. Actually the 4000-60 is a pretty advanced computer, much more powerful than an average PC from 1991. This box would have been pretty expensive too. Click image for larger view.
... [ read more ]

Televideo TVI-912C

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Televideo TVI-912C terminal
The Televideo TVI-912C has a 82 key keyboard, in a standard typewriter style, with alphanumeric characters, symbols, and control keys. This photo was taken prior to cleaning the unit.
Televideo TVI-912C terminal
So far so good I can establish communications. Note the lower-case characters.
">... [ read more ]

Commodore CBM B500 (US / NTSC)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Commodore B500 B Series
The ever stylish Commodore B500. Click image for larger view.
Before the C-64, Commodore put out a few computers containing SID sound chips. The first was the P500 which was followed by the equally rare B500 model. For reasons unknown to me, just before going into full-scale production Commodore renamed the B500 "B-128", making the original nameplate version very rare. The name change occurred before even the manuals were printed. I don't know exactly how many were sold, the serial number is probably not directly connected to the production number of the machine. Other than the ROM version and perhaps the power supply the B500 and B128-80 are virtually identical. NOTE: The No">... [ read more ]

Systems Group System 2900

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ repairs complete / Need Password ] 09/02/2017
Systems Group System 2900 S-100 Computer
Pictured is a circa 1982/3 Systems Group System 2900 Business class S-100 computer system. Click image for larger view
Systems Group System 2900 S-100 Computer card cage
View of the burnt components on the DMB 6400 controller card. Click image for view of entire card cage.
This system burned out some caps near the voltage regulators of a card labeled DMB 6400. Otherwise the system seems ok enough to attempt a restore. I have zero info on this machine, b">... [ read more ]

Magnavox Odyssey2 1978

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The Magnavox Odyssey2 computer video console running Computer Intro! cart
The 1978 Magnavox Odyssey2 computer video console running Computer Intro! program. The Odyssey2 had an Intel 4048 (MSC-48 microcontroller) CPU and full membrane keyboard making it a "computerette" (my term) when compared with its market rivals the Atari 2600 and Mattel Intellivision. Computer Intro! allowed the user to create and run 4048 assembly programs, although I am not aware of any way to save these programs. There was no cassette storage that I know of. Click image for larger view.
Magnavox Odyssey2 console.... [ read more ]

Raspberry Pi PiDP8 Emulator rev 2015

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Further refinements ] 08/18/2017
PiDP8 2015 Model
This is the 2015 version with the little dots on the white switches. I think I placed the first or second paid order, shipped in July of 2015, but I finally got around to building the kit over the 2016 Christmas holiday. These kinds of projects I like to save for the right moment, a very enjoyable kit. Hats off to Oscar Vermeulen for his fine work designing both the kit and the software. Click image for larger view.
Pi Zero as PiDP8 emulator
I chose the Pi Zero because it can feed off a USB port for power. There are just enough ports to connect">... [ read more ]

Another CBM D9090

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ Tandon 603s Replaced by ST241 ] 08/17/2017
I have a second CBM D9090 ROM A, to test, and see if I can get it up and running. It's totally stock, other than the fact that the cover is missing. My other D9090 is a ROM C I think. Pics">... [ read more ]

VCFed August Workshop

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Lear Siegler ADM-3a Terminal with tan chassis connected to telnet BBS
old terminals had style, eh? This terminal has the lower case ROM and switch cover. Pictured here the screen shows it while connected to the Internet (telnet Level 29 BBS). Note how the font is vertically justified; the lower case characters have to sit centered along a plane so that characters like the lower-case g are raised up. click for larger view.
Lear Siegler ADM3a Terminal with tan chassis
The Lear Siegler ADM-3A terminal, serial driver repaired.
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XOR S-100-4 Computer 1982-3

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 5
Updated: [ 64K XOR RAM board ] 08/14/2017
I recently purchased a XOR S-100-4 computer from Jim Battle. This weekend I took some new pictures: With very little work I was able to get this machine up and running. Jim did a great job in restoring it to working order. Product Ad from 1983">... [ read more ]

CBM Transfer Updated for Windows 10

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1 /software/cbmxfer/cbmxfer.html">... [ read more ]

RX01 notes

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Digital RX01
Digital RX01 dual 8" disk drive uses IBM 3740 FM format disks.
Recently I was given an RX01 drive and RX11 controller card (M7846) and the PDP 8 equivalent (M8357) but no disks. I need to check out the drive, install the card into an available PDP 11 and/or PDP 8 and make disks from images downloaded from the web, starting with RT-11 for the PDP 11. Quick notes to start off this project: 1. Downloaded EK-RX01-MM-002 manual that describes set up. UNIBUS: 2. Page 5-4 "RX11 is not an NPR Device." 3. Page 1-2 "The M7846 plugs into an SPC (small peripheral controller) slot with any PDP-11 processor. " 4. Bootstrap start address is 1000 6. Verify power getting to M7846 correctly here: http://www.chdic">... [ read more ]

Capacitor Inventory

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
On-hand Cap Inventory Thread date = last update date Please send inquiries by replying to this thread. mF Voltage Capicitor Type QTY 1500 40 Axial 32 3000 30 Axial 16 27000 30 2-Post 12 500 25 Axial 11 6900 15 Axial 9 100 75 Axial 6 500 75 Axial 6 1100 30 Axial 6 2000 30 Axial 6 21000 15 2-Post 5 850 200 2-Post 4 2600 50 2-Post 4 3400 30 2-Post 4 4700 35 Axial 4 4900 200 2-Post 4 5800 25 2-Post 4 5900 75 2-Post 4 12000 40 2-Post 4 23000 30 2-Post 4 24000 75 2-Post 4 51000 40 2-Post 4 250 150 Axial 3 330 200 Axial 3 470 50 Axial 3 13000 15 2-Post 3 14000 40 2-Post 3 14000 25 2-Post 3 19000 30 2-Post 3 32000 20 2-Post 3 40000 15 2-Post 3 150 150 2-Post 2 200 200 2-Post 2 200 200 3-Post 2 220 200 3-Post 2 500 25 2-Post 2 500 50 Axial 2 800 ">... [ read more ]

UNIVAC 1219 USS Midway CV-41

by kingjr5872
Total messages in this thread: 1
John King UNIVAC 1219 USS Midway CV-41
John says: "I have a photo of me repairing one of two 1219 while on-board the USS Midway CV-41. They were a redundant system (configured like a Master/Slave) to land aircraft on a carrier automatically without the pilots control. We used two, in case one computer went down the other would take over. Pretty cool and oh yes many hours/days without sleep repairing an intermittent on these beasts. " Click image for larger view.
John uploaded new docs to the UNIVAC 1219 document library (sort by date). He says: "Attached are two documents that describe how the Univac 1219 computer is used in the carrier landing system. I am still searching for other information about">... [ read more ]
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    vcfmw ECCC 2012 Digital VT 131

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