The PLUS+ Hardcards were 8-bit ISA hard drive controllers with a built-in slim-profile hard drive. These controllers all require restoration, none will be functional until the drive arm captain pad has been replaced. Photos show the capstan removed / picked away before repalcement with a few rings of electrical tape. Search "HardCard" on this web site for more info.
Name | Size |
PlusHardcard20.jpg | 1,328,433 KB |
PlusHardcard20 arm-guard-capst | 978,714 KB |
PlusHardcard20 back.jpg | 1,203,523 KB |
PlusHardcard20 drive-exposed.j | 940,467 KB |
PlusHardcard20 format-complete | 1,244,002 KB |
PlusHardcard20 formatting.jpg | 828,186 KB |
PlusHardcard20 installed-2.jpg | 1,313,047 KB |
PlusHardcard20 installed.jpg | 1,540,613 KB |
PlusHardcard20 testing.jpg | 1,602,401 KB |
PlusHardcard20 XTPC-jumpr.jpg | 895,691 KB |