The tables that control TASM's interpretation of the source file are read from a file at run time. The table file name is determined by taking the numeric option field specified on the TASM command line and appending it to the string "TASM", then a ".TAB" extension is added. Thus, if the following command line is entered:
tasm -51 test.asm
then TASM would read the table file named "TASM51.TAB".
The following rules apply to the structure of the table file:
MSFIRST | Generate opcodes MS byte first. Useful for tables with multibyte opcodes. |
ALTWILD | Use '@' instead of '*' as the wild card in the table. Useful if the instruction syntax uses '*' to denote certain addressing modes. |
NOARGSHIFT | Suppress the shift/or operation that applies if the optional SHIFT and OR fields are provided. Some RULEs use the SHIFT/OR fields for other purposes. |
REGSET | Define a register mnemonic and associated bit field. See example below. |
WORDADDRS | Set word addressing mode (one word = 2 bytes) |
Field Name | Description |
INSTRUCTION | Instruction Mnemonic |
ARGS | Argument definition |
OPCODE | Opcode value |
NBYTES | Number of bytes |
RULE | Modifier operation |
CLASS | Instruction class |
SHIFT | Argument left shift count |
OR | Argument bitwise OR mask |
The fields are further defined below:
Note that the SHIFT/OR fields are used somewhat differently for T1, TDMA, and TAR RULES. In those cases, the SHIFT and OR fields are used but the OR field is really an AND mask and the result is OR'd with the opcode.
The following encoding rules are available:
Note that the reason for the combining of arguments (COMBINE and CSWAP) is that TASM assumes that all object bytes to be inserted in the object file are derived from a variable representing the value of the first argument (argval). If two arguments are in the ARGS field, then one of the previously mentioned RULE`s must be used. They have the effect of combining the low bytes of the first two arguments into the variable (argval) from which the object code will be generated. TASM`s argument parsing routine can handle a large number of arguments, but the code that generates the object code is less capable.
The following table shows possible instruction definition records, followed by possible source statements that would match it, followed by the resulting object code that would be generated (in hex):
EXAMPLE EXAMPLE INSTRUCTION DEFINITION SOURCE OBJECT ------------------------------------------------------------------- XYZ * FF 3 NOTOUCH 1 xyz 1234h FF 34 12 XYZ * FF 2 NOTOUCH 1 xyz 1234h FF 34 ZYX * FE 3 SWAP 1 zyx 1234h FE 12 34 ZYX * FE 3 R2 1 zyx $+4 FE 01 00 ABC *,* FD 3 COMBINE 1 abc 45h,67h FD 45 67 ABC *,* FD 3 CSWAP 1 abc 45h,67h FD 67 45 ADD A,#* FC 2 NOTOUCH 1 add A,#'B' FC 42 RET "" FB 1 NOTOUCH 1 ret FB LD IX,* 21DD 4 NOTOUCH 1 ld IX,1234h DD 21 34 12 LD IX,* 21DD 4 NOTOUCH 1 1 0 ld IX,1234h DD 21 68 24 LD IX,* 21DD 4 NOTOUCH 1 0 1 ld IX,1234h DD 21 35 12 LD IX,* 21DD 4 NOTOUCH 1 1 1 ld IX,1234h DD 21 69 24 LD IX,* 21DD 4 NOTOUCH 1 8 12 ld IX,34h DD 21 12 34
The order of the entries for various addressing modes of a given instruction is important. Since the wild card matches anything, it is important to specify the ARGS for the addressing modes that have the most qualifying characters first. For example, if an instruction had two addressing modes, one that accepted any expression, and another that required a pound sign in front of an expression, the pound sign entry should go first otherwise all occurrences of the instruction would match the more general ARGS expression that it encountered first. The following entries illustrate the proper sequencing:
ADD #* 12 3 NOTOUCH 1 ADD * 13 3 NOTOUCH 1
The current version of TASM uses a very simple hashing method based on the first character of the nmemonic. A search is begun at the first table entry that starts with that letter. Thus, the table should be sorted alphabetically for optimum lookup speed. If the table is not sorted in this way it will not break anything, but just slow it down a bit.
For instruction sets that have a well defined set of registers that map to a bit field in the opcode it may be convenient to use the REGSET directive. The value field following each register definition is OR'd into the opcode when a match is found. The '!' character is used to indicate the expected occurance of a register. Consider the following example:
.REGSET R0 00 1 .REGSET R1 01 1 .REGSET R2 02 1 .REGSET R3 03 1 .REGSET R4 04 1 .REGSET R5 05 1 .REGSET R6 06 1 .REGSET R7 07 1 ... INC ! E0 1 NOP ...
A source instruction INC R3 would be encoded by ORing E0 with 03 resulting in E3.
The acceptable 6502 opcode mnemonics for TASM are as follows:
TASM also supports the following instructions that are part of the Rockwell R65C02 and R65C00/21 microprocessor instruction sets. Those that are marked as set A are applicable to the R65C02 and those marked as set B are applicable to the R65C00/21 (A+B for both):
Mnemonic Description Address Mode Set --------------------------------------------------------------- ADC Add with carry (IND) A AND And memory with A (IND) A BIT Test memory bits with A ABS,X A BIT Test memory bits with A ZP,X A BIT Test memory bits with A IMM A CMP Compare memory with A (IND) A DEC Decrement A A A EOR Exclusive OR memory with A (IND) A INC Increment A A A JMP Jump (ABS,X) A LDA Load A with memory (IND) A ORA OR A with memory (IND) A SBC Subtract memory form A (IND) A STA Store A in memory (IND) A STZ Store zero ABS A STZ Store zero ABS,X A STZ Store zero ZP A STZ Store zero ZP,X A TRB Test and reset memory bit ABS A TRB Test and reset memory bit ZP A TSB Test and set memory bit ABS A TSB Test and set memory bit ZP A BRA Branch Always REL A+B BBR0 Branch on Bit 0 Reset ZP,REL A+B BBR1 Branch on Bit 1 Reset ZP,REL A+B BBR2 Branch on Bit 2 Reset ZP,REL A+B BBR3 Branch on Bit 3 Reset ZP,REL A+B BBR4 Branch on Bit 4 Reset ZP,REL A+B BBR5 Branch on Bit 5 Reset ZP,REL A+B BBR6 Branch on Bit 6 Reset ZP,REL A+B BBR7 Branch on Bit 7 Reset ZP,REL A+B BBS0 Branch on Bit 0 Set ZP,REL A+B BBS1 Branch on Bit 1 Set ZP,REL A+B BBS2 Branch on Bit 2 Set ZP,REL A+B BBS3 Branch on Bit 3 Set ZP,REL A+B BBS4 Branch on Bit 4 Set ZP,REL A+B BBS5 Branch on Bit 5 Set ZP,REL A+B BBS6 Branch on Bit 6 Set ZP,REL A+B BBS7 Branch on Bit 7 Set ZP,REL A+B MUL Multiply Implied B PHX Push Index X Implied A+B PHY Push Index Y Implied A+B PLX Pull Index X Implied A+B PLY Pull Index Y Implied A+B RMB0 Reset Memory Bit 0 ZP A+B RMB1 Reset Memory Bit 1 ZP A+B RMB2 Reset Memory Bit 2 ZP A+B RMB3 Reset Memory Bit 3 ZP A+B RMB4 Reset Memory Bit 4 ZP A+B RMB5 Reset Memory Bit 5 ZP A+B RMB6 Reset Memory Bit 6 ZP A+B RMB7 Reset Memory Bit 7 ZP A+B SMB0 Set Memory Bit 0 ZP A+B SMB1 Set Memory Bit 1 ZP A+B SMB2 Set Memory Bit 2 ZP A+B SMB3 Set Memory Bit 3 ZP A+B SMB4 Set Memory Bit 4 ZP A+B SMB5 Set Memory Bit 5 ZP A+B SMB6 Set Memory Bit 6 ZP A+B SMB7 Set Memory Bit 7 ZP A+B
Addressing modes are denoted as follows:
ABS Absolute ZP Zero Page ABS,X Absolute X ZP,X Zero Page X ABS,Y Absolute Y ZP,Y Zero Page Y A Accumulator (IND,X) Indirect X (IND),Y Indirect Y (IND) Indirect #IMM Immediate REL Relative (Branch instructions only) ZP,REL Zero Page, Relative Implied Implied
Note that Zero Page addressing can not be explicitly requested. It is used if the value of the operand is representable in a single byte for the applicable statements.
The '-x' command line option can be used to enable the extended instructions. A '-x' with no digit following will enable the standard set plus both extended sets. The 6502 version of TASM uses three bits in the instruction class mask to determine whether a given instruction is enabled or not. Bit 0 enables the basic set, bit 1 enables set A (R65C02) and bit 2 enables set B (R65C00/21). The following table shows various options:
Class Mask Enabled Instructions BASIC R65C02 R65C00/21 -------------------------------------------- 1 yes no no 2 no yes no 3 yes yes no 4 no no yes 5 yes no yes 6 no yes yes 7 yes yes yes
Thus, to enable the basic set plus the R65C02 instructions, invoke the '-x3' command line option.
See manufacturer's data for a more complete description of the meaning of the mnemonics and addressing modes.
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the 6800/68HC11 version of TASM. Symbolic fields are defined as follows:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------- _addr8_ Absolute address (8 bits) _addr16_ Absolute address (16 bits) Values that can fit in 8 bits can result in the DIRECT addressing mode. _addr16_no8_ Absolute address (16 bits) DIRECT addressing not applicable. _bmsk_ Bit mask (8 bits) _rel8_ Relative address (8 bit signed) _immed8_ Immediate data (8 bits) _immed16_ Immediate data (16 bits)
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of any of the above symbolics.
The lines that are marked with an 'a' or 'b' are extended instructions that are available only if a -x option has been invoked on the command line. The classes of instructions (and their bit assignment in the class mask) are shown below:
BIT PROCESSOR EXT LABEL COMMAND LINE OPTION -------------------------------------------------------- 0 6800 1 6801/6803 a -x3 2 68HC11 b -x7
Thus, to enable the 68HC11 instructions, a -x7 could be used on the command line.
TASM deviates from standard Motorola syntax for the BSET, BRSET, BCLR, and BRCLR instructions. TASM requires commas separating all arguments. Motorola assemblers use white space to separate the last one or two arguments for these instructions. Here are examples of each applicable instruction:
TASM MOTOROLA ---------------------- -------------------- BCLR _addr8_,Y,_bmsk_ BCLR _addr8_,Y _bmsk_ BCLR _addr8_,X,_bmsk_ BCLR _addr8_,X _bmsk_ BCLR _addr8_ ,_bmsk_ BCLR _addr8_ _bmsk_ BSET _addr8_,Y,_bmsk_ BSET _addr8_,Y _bmsk_ BSET _addr8_,X,_bmsk_ BSET _addr8_,X _bmsk_ BSET _addr8_ ,_bmsk_ BSET _addr8_ _bmsk_ BRCLR _addr8_,Y,_bmsk_,_rel8_ BRCLR _addr8_,Y _bmsk_ _rel8_ BRCLR _addr8_,X,_bmsk_,_rel8_ BRCLR _addr8_,X _bmsk_ _rel8_ BRCLR _addr8_ ,_bmsk_,_rel8_ BRCLR _addr8_ _bmsk_ _rel8_ BRSET _addr8_,Y,_bmsk_,_rel8_ BRSET _addr8_,Y _bmsk_ _rel8_ BRSET _addr8_,X,_bmsk_,_rel8_ BRSET _addr8_,X _bmsk_ _rel8_ BRSET _addr8_ ,_bmsk_,_rel8_ BRSET _addr8_ _bmsk_ _rel8_
OPCODE OPERANDS EXT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------- ABA Add Accumulator B to Accumulator A ABX a Add Accumulator B to Index Reg X ABY b Add Accumulator B to Index reg Y ADCA #_immed8_ Add with carry immediate to Reg A ADCA _addr8_,X Add with carry indirect,X to Reg A ADCA _addr8_,Y b Add with carry indirect,Y to Reg A ADCA _addr16_ Add with carry extended to Reg A ADCB #_immed8_ Add with carry immediate to Reg B ADCB _addr8_,X Add with carry indirect,X to Reg B ADCB _addr8_,Y b Add with carry indirect,Y to Reg B ADCB _addr16_ Add with carry extended to Reg B ADDA #_immed8_ Add w/o carry immediate to Reg A ADDA _addr8_,X Add w/o carry indirect,X to Reg A ADDA _addr8_,Y b Add w/o carry indirect,Y to Reg A ADDA _addr16_ Add w/o carry extended to Reg A ADDB #_immed8_ Add w/o carry immediate to Reg B ADDB _addr8_,X Add w/o carry indirect,X to Reg B ADDB _addr8_,Y b Add w/o carry indirect,Y to Reg B ADDB _addr16_ Add w/o carry extended to Reg B ADDD #_immed8_ a Add double immediate to Reg D ADDD _addr8_,X a Add double indirect,X to Reg D ADDD _addr8_,Y b Add double indirect,Y to Reg D ADDD _addr16_ a Add double extended to Reg D ANDA #_immed8_ AND immediate to Reg A ANDA _addr8_,X AND indirect,X to Reg A ANDA _addr8_,Y b AND indirect,Y to Reg A ANDA _addr16_ AND extended to Reg A ANDB #_immed8_ AND immediate to Reg B ANDB _addr8_,X AND indirect,X to Reg B ANDB _addr8_,Y b AND indirect,Y to Reg B ANDB _addr16_ AND extended to Reg B ASL _addr8_,X Arithmetic shift left indirect,X ASL _addr8_,Y b Arithmetic shift left indirect,Y ASL _addr16_ Arithmetic shift left extended ASLA Arithmetic shift left Reg A ASLB Arithmetic shift left Reg B ASLD a Arithmetic shift left double Reg D ASR _addr8_,X Arithmetic shift right indirect,X ASR _addr8_,Y b Arithmetic shift right indirect,Y ASR _addr16_ Arithmetic shift right extended ASRA Arithmetic shift right Reg A ASRB Arithmetic shift right Reg B OPCODE OPERANDS EXT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------- BCC _rel8_ Branch if carry clear BCS _rel8_ Branch if carry set BEQ _rel8_ Branch if equal BGE _rel8_ Branch if greater or equal BGT _rel8_ Branch if greater BHI _rel8_ Branch if higher BHS _rel8_ Branch if higher or same BRA _rel8_ Branch always BITA #_immed8_ AND immediate with Reg A (set condition codes) BITA _addr8_,X AND indirect,X with Reg A (set condition codes) BITA _addr8_,Y b AND indirect,Y with Reg A (set condition codes) BITA _addr16_ AND extended with Reg A (set condition codes) BITB #_immed8_ AND immediate with Reg B (set condition codes) BITB _addr8_,X AND indirect,X with Reg B (set condition codes) BITB _addr8_,Y b AND indirect,Y with Reg B (set condition codes) BITB _addr16_ AND extended with Reg B (set condition codes) BLE _rel8_ Branch if less than or equal BLO _rel8_ Branch if lower (same as BCS) BLS _rel8_ Branch if lower or same BLT _rel8_ Branch if less than zero BMI _rel8_ Branch if minus BNE _rel8_ Branch if not equal BPL _rel8_ Branch if plus BRA _rel8_ Branch always BRCLR _addr8_,X,_bmsk_,_rel8_ b Branch if bits clear indirect X BRCLR _addr8_,Y,_bmsk_,_rel8_ b Branch if bits clear indirect Y BRCLR _addr8_,_bmsk_, _rel8_ b Branch if bits clear direct BRN _rel8_ Branch never BRSET _addr8_,X,_bmsk_,_rel8_ b Branch if bits set indirect X BRSET _addr8_,Y,_bmsk_,_rel8_ b Branch if bits set indirect Y BRSET _addr8_,_bmsk_, _rel8_ b Branch if bits set direct BSET _addr8_,X,_bmsk_ b Bit set indirect X BSET _addr8_,Y,_bmsk_ b Bit set indirect Y BSET _addr8_,_bmsk_ b Bit set direct BSET _addr8_,#_bmsk_ b Bit set direct (alternate form) BSR _rel8_ Branch subroutine BVC _rel8_ Branch if overflow clear BVS _rel8_ Branch if overflow set OPCODE OPERANDS EXT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------- CBA Compare registers A & B CLC Clear Carry CLI Clear Interrupt Mask CLR _addr8_,X Arithmetic shift right indirect,X CLR _addr8_,Y b Arithmetic shift right indirect,Y CLR _addr16_ Arithmetic shift right extended CLRA Arithmetic shift right Reg A CLRB Arithmetic shift right Reg B CLV Clear Overflow Bit CMPA #_immed8_ Compare immediate with Reg A CMPA _addr8_,X Compare indirect,X with Reg A CMPA _addr8_,Y b Compare indirect,Y with Reg A CMPA _addr16_ Compare extended with Reg A CMPB #_immed8_ Compare immediate with Reg B CMPB _addr8_,X Compare indirect,X with Reg B CMPB _addr8_,Y b Compare indirect,Y with Reg B CMPB _addr16_ Compare extended with Reg B COM _addr8_,X Complement indirect,X COM _addr8_,Y b Complement indirect,Y COM _addr16_ Complement extended COMA Complement Reg A COMB Complement Reg B CPD #_immed16_ b Compare double immediate to Reg D CPD _addr8_,X b Compare double indirect,X to Reg D CPD _addr8_,Y b Compare double indirect,Y to Reg D CPD _addr16_ b Compare double extended to Reg D CPX #_immed8_ Compare double immediate to Reg X CPX _addr8_,X Compare double indirect,X to Reg X CPX _addr8_,Y b Compare double indirect,Y to Reg X CPX _addr16_ Compare double extended to Reg X CPY #_immed8_ b Compare double immediate to Reg Y CPY _addr8_,X b Compare double indirect,X to Reg Y CPY _addr8_,Y b Compare double indirect,Y to Reg Y CPY _addr16_ b Compare double extended to Reg Y OPCODE OPERANDS EXT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------- DAA Decimal Adjust Reg A DEC _addr8_,X Decrement indirect,X DEC _addr8_,Y Decrement indirect,Y DEC _addr16_no8_ Decrement extended DECA Decrement Reg A DECB Decrement Reg B DES Decrement stack pointer DEX Decrement Reg X DEY b Decrement Reg Y EORA #_immed8_ Exclusive OR immediate with Reg A EORA _addr8_,X Exclusive OR indirect,X with Reg A EORA _addr8_,Y b Exclusive OR indirect,Y with Reg A EORA _addr16_ Exclusive OR extended with Reg A EORB #_immed8_ Exclusive OR immediate with Reg B EORB _addr8_,X Exclusive OR indirect,X with Reg B EORB _addr8_,Y b Exclusive OR indirect,Y with Reg B EORB _addr16_ Exclusive OR extended with Reg B FDIV b Fractional Divide (ACCD/IX) IDIV b Integer Divide (ACCD/IX) INC _addr8_,X Increment indirect,X INC _addr8_,Y Increment indirect,Y INC _addr16_no8_ Increment extended INCA Increment Reg A INCB Increment Reg B INS Increment stack pointer INX Increment Reg X INY b Increment Reg Y JMP _addr8_,X Jump indirect,X JMP _addr8_,Y b Jump indirect,Y JMP _addr16_no8_ Jump extended JSR _addr8_,X Jump Subroutine indirect,X JSR _addr8_,Y b Jump Subroutine indirect,Y JSR _addr16_ Jump Subroutine extended LDAA #_immed8_ Load Accumulator immediate with Reg A LDAA _addr8_,X Load Accumulator indirect,X with Reg A LDAA _addr8_,Y b Load Accumulator indirect,Y with Reg A LDAA _addr16_ Load Accumulator extended with Reg A LDAB #_immed8_ Load Accumulator immediate with Reg B LDAB _addr8_,X Load Accumulator indirect,X with Reg B LDAB _addr8_,Y b Load Accumulator indirect,Y with Reg B LDAB _addr16_ Load Accumulator extended with Reg B OPCODE OPERANDS EXT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------- LDD #_immed16_ a Load double immediate to Reg D LDD _addr8_,X a Load double indirect,X to Reg D LDD _addr8_,Y b Load double indirect,Y to Reg D LDD _addr16_ a Load double extended to Reg D LDS #_immed16_ Load double immediate to Reg D LDS _addr8_,X Load double indirect,X to Reg D LDS _addr8_,Y b Load double indirect,Y to Reg D LDS _addr16_ Load double extended to Reg D LDX #_immed16_ Load immediate to Reg X LDX _addr8_,X Load indirect,X to Reg X LDX _addr8_,Y b Load indirect,Y to Reg X LDX _addr16_ Load extended to Reg X LDY #_immed16_ b Load immediate to Reg Y LDY _addr8_,X b Load indirect,X to Reg Y LDY _addr8_,Y b Load indirect,Y to Reg Y LDY _addr16_ b Load extended to Reg Y LSL _addr8_,X Logical Shift Left indirect,X LSL _addr8_,Y b Logical Shift Left indirect,Y LSL _addr16_no8_ Logical Shift Left extended LSLA Logical Shift Left Reg A LSLB Logical Shift Left Reg B LSLD Logical Shift Left Double Reg D LSR _addr8_,X Logical Shift Right indirect,X LSR _addr8_,Y b Logical Shift Right indirect,Y LSR _addr16_no8_ Logical Shift Right extended LSRA Logical Shift Right Reg A LSRB Logical Shift Right Reg B LSRD Logical Shift Right Double Reg D MUL Multiply Unsigned NEG _addr8_,X Negate indirect,X NEG _addr8_,Y b Negate indirect,Y NEG _addr16_no8_ Negate extended NEGA Negate Reg A NEGB Negate Reg B NOP No Operation OPCODE OPERANDS EXT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------- ORAA #_immed8_ Inclusive OR immediate with Reg A ORAA _addr8_,X Inclusive OR indirect,X with Reg A ORAA _addr8_,Y b Inclusive OR indirect,Y with Reg A ORAA _addr16_ Inclusive OR extended with Reg A ORAB #_immed8_ Inclusive OR immediate with Reg B ORAB _addr8_,X Inclusive OR indirect,X with Reg B ORAB _addr8_,Y b Inclusive OR indirect,Y with Reg B ORAB _addr16_ Inclusive OR extended with Reg B PSHA Push Reg A onto stack PSHB Push Reg B onto stack PSHX Push Reg X onto stack PSHY Push Reg Y onto stack PULA Pull Reg A from stack PULB Pull Reg B from stack PULX Pull Reg X from stack PULY Pull Reg Y from stack ROL _addr8_,X Rotate Left indirect,X ROL _addr8_,Y Rotate Left indirect,Y ROL _addr16_no8_ Rotate Left extended ROLA Rotate Left Reg A ROLB Rotate Left Reg B ROR _addr8_,X Rotate Right indirect,X ROR _addr8_,Y Rotate Right indirect,Y ROR _addr16_no8_ Rotate Right extended RORA Rotate Right Reg A RORB Rotate Right Reg B RTI Return from Interrupt RTS Return from subroutine SBA Subtract Accumulators SBCA #_immed8_ Subtract with Carry immediate with Reg A SBCA _addr8_,X Subtract with Carry indirect,X with Reg A SBCA _addr8_,Y b Subtract with Carry indirect,Y with Reg A SBCA _addr16_ Subtract with Carry extended with Reg A SBCB #_immed8_ Subtract with Carry immediate with Reg B SBCB _addr8_,X Subtract with Carry indirect,X with Reg B SBCB _addr8_,Y b Subtract with Carry indirect,Y with Reg B SBCB _addr16_ Subtract with Carry extended with Reg B SEC Set Carry SEI Set Interrupt Mask SEV Set Twos Complement Overflow Bit STAA _addr8_,X Store Reg A indirect,X STAA _addr8_,Y b Store Reg A indirect,Y STAA _addr16_ Store Reg A extended STAB _addr8_,X Store Reg B indirect,X STAB _addr8_,Y b Store Reg B indirect,Y STAB _addr16_ Store Reg B extended OPCODE OPERANDS EXT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------- STD _addr8_,X Store Double Acc indirect,X to Reg B STD _addr8_,Y b Store Double Acc indirect,Y to Reg B STD _addr16_ Store Double Acc extended to Reg B STOP Stop Processing STS _addr8_,X Store Accumulator indirect,X STS _addr8_,Y b Store Accumulator indirect,Y STS _addr16_ Store Accumulator extended STX _addr8_,X Store Index Reg X indirect,X STX _addr8_,Y b Store Index Reg X indirect,Y STX _addr16_ Store Index Reg X extended STY _addr8_,X b Store Index Reg Y indirect,X STY _addr8_,Y b Store Index Reg Y indirect,Y STY _addr16_ b Store Index Reg Y extended SUBA #_immed8_ Subtract immediate from Reg A SUBA _addr8_,X Subtract indirect,X from Reg A SUBA _addr8_,Y b Subtract indirect,Y from Reg A SUBA _addr16_ Subtract extended from Reg A SUBB #_immed8_ Subtract immediate from Reg B SUBB _addr8_,X Subtract indirect,X from Reg B SUBB _addr8_,Y b Subtract indirect,Y from Reg B SUBB _addr16_ Subtract extended from Reg B SUBD #_immed16_ b Subtract double immediate from Reg D SUBD _addr8_,X b Subtract double indirect,X from Reg D SUBD _addr8_,Y b Subtract double indirect,Y from Reg D SUBD _addr16_ b Subtract double extended from Reg D SWI Software Interrupt TAB Transfer Reg A to Reg B TAP Transfer Reg A to Condition Code Reg TPA Transfer Condition Code Reg to Reg A TBA Transfer Reg B to Reg A TST _addr8_,X Test indirect,X TST _addr8_,Y Test indirect,Y TST _addr16_no8_ Test extended TSTA Test Reg A TSTB Test Reg B TSX Transfer Stack Pointer to Reg X TSY b Transfer Stack Pointer to Reg Y TXS Transfer Reg X to Stack Pointer TYS b Transfer Reg Y to Stack Pointer WAI Wait for Interrupt XGDX b Exchange Double Reg D and Reg X XGDY b Exchange Double Reg D and Reg Y
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the 8048 version of TASM. Where 'Rn' is seen, R0 through R7 may be substituted. Other symbolic fields are as follows:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------- _addr8_ Absolute address (8 bits) _addr11_ Absolute address (11 bits) _immed_ Immediate data
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of any of the above symbolics.
The lines that are marked with an (8041), (8022), or (8021) on the far right are extended instructions that are available only if a -x option has been invoked on the command line. The classes of instructions (and their bit assignment in the class mask) are shown below:
BIT PROCESSOR ------------------------------- 0 8X48, 8035, 8039, 8049 1 8X41A 2 8022 3 8021
Thus, to enable the basic 8048 set plus the 8022 set, a -x5 could be used on the command line.
Note that some of the base instructions should be disabled for the 8041, 8022, and 8021, but are not.
OPCODE OPERANDS DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD A,Rn Add Register to Acc ADD A,@R0 Add Indirect RAM to Acc ADD A,@R1 Add Indirect RAM to Acc ADD A,#_immed_ Add Immediate data to Acc ADDC A,Rn Add Register to Acc with carry ADDC A,@R0 Add Indirect RAM to Acc with carry ADDC A,@R1 Add Indirect RAM to Acc with carry ADDC A,#_immed_ Add Immediate data to Acc with carry ANL A,Rn AND Register to Acc ANL A,@R0 AND Indirect RAM to Acc ANL A,@R1 AND Indirect RAM to Acc ANL A,#_immed_ AND Immediate data to Acc ANL BUS,#_immed_ AND Immediate data to BUS ANL P1,#_immed_ AND Immediate data to port P1 ANL P2,#_immed_ AND Immediate data to port P2 ANLD P4,A AND Acc to Expander port P4 ANLD P5,A AND Acc to Expander port P5 ANLD P6,A AND Acc to Expander port P6 ANLD P7,A AND Acc to Expander port P7 CALL _addr11_ Call subroutine CLR A Clear Acc CLR C Clear Carry CLR F0 Clear Flag 0 CLR F1 Clear Flag 1 CPL A Complement Acc CPL C Complement Carry CPL F0 Complement Flag F0 CPL F1 Complement Flag F1 DA A Decimal adjust Acc DEC A Decrement Acc DEC Rn Decrement Register DIS I Disable Interrupts DIS TCNTI Disable Timer/Counter Interrupt DJNZ Rn,_addr8_ Decrement Register and Jump if nonzero EN DMA Enable DMA (8041) EN FLAGS Enable Flags (8041) EN I Enable External Interrupt EN TCNTI Enable Timer/Counter Interrupt ENT0 CLK Enable Clock Output IN A,DBB Input Data Bus to Acc (8041) IN A,P0 Input Port 0 to Acc (8021) IN A,P1 Input Port 1 to Acc IN A,P2 Input Port 2 to Acc INC A Increment Acc INC Rn Increment Register INC @R0 Increment Indirect RAM INC @R1 Increment Indirect RAM INS A,BUS Strobed Input of Bus to Acc JB0 _addr8_ Jump if Acc bit 0 is set JB1 _addr8_ Jump if Acc bit 1 is set JB2 _addr8_ Jump if Acc bit 2 is set JB3 _addr8_ Jump if Acc bit 3 is set JB4 _addr8_ Jump if Acc bit 4 is set JB5 _addr8_ Jump if Acc bit 5 is set JB6 _addr8_ Jump if Acc bit 6 is set JB7 _addr8_ Jump if Acc bit 7 is set JMP _addr11_ Jump JC _addr8_ Jump if Carry is set JF0 _addr8_ Jump if Flag F0 is set JF1 _addr8_ Jump if Flag F1 is set JNC _addr8_ Jump if Carry is clear JNI _addr8_ Jump if Interrupt input is clear JNIBF _addr8_ Jump if IBF is clear (8041) JNT0 _addr8_ Jump if T0 is clear JNT1 _addr8_ Jump if T1 is clear JNZ _addr8_ Jump if Acc is not zero JOBF _addr8_ Jump if OBF is set (8041) JTF _addr8_ Jump if Timer Flag is set JT0 _addr8_ Jump if T0 pin is high JT1 _addr8_ Jump if T1 pin is high JZ _addr8_ Jump if Acc is zero JMPP @A Jump Indirect (current page) MOV A,PSW Move PSW to Acc MOV A,Rn Move Register to Acc MOV A,T Move Timer/Counter to Acc MOV A,@R0 Move Indirect RAM to Acc MOV A,@R1 Move Indirect RAM to Acc MOV A,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Acc MOV PSW,A Move Acc to PSW MOV Rn,A Move Acc to Register MOV Rn,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Register MOV STS,A Move Acc to STS (8041) MOV T,A Move Acc to Timer/Counter MOV @R0,A Move Acc to Indirect RAM MOV @R1,A Move Acc to Indirect RAM MOV @R0,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Indirect RAM MOV @R1,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Indirect RAM MOVD A,P4 Move half-byte Port 4 to Acc (lower nibble) MOVD A,P5 Move half-byte Port 5 to Acc (lower nibble) MOVD A,P6 Move half-byte Port 6 to Acc (lower nibble) MOVD A,P7 Move half-byte Port 7 to Acc (lower nibble) MOVD P4,A Move lower nibble of Acc to Port 4 MOVD P5,A Move lower nibble of Acc to Port 5 MOVD P6,A Move lower nibble of Acc to Port 6 MOVD P7,A Move lower nibble of Acc to Port 7 MOVP A,@A Move Indirect Program data to Acc MOVP3 A,@A Move Indirect Program data to Acc (page 3) MOVX A,@R0 Move Indirect External RAM to Acc MOVX A,@R1 Move Indirect External RAM to Acc MOVX @R0,A Move Acc to Indirect External RAM MOVX @R1,A Move Acc to Indirect External RAM NOP No operation ORL A,Rn OR Register to Acc ORL A,@R0 OR Indirect RAM to Acc ORL A,@R1 OR Indirect RAM to Acc ORL A,#_immed_ OR Immediate data to Acc ORL BUS,#_immed_ OR Immediate data to BUS ORL P1,#_immed_ OR Immediate data to port P1 ORL P2,#_immed_ OR Immediate data to port P2 ORLD P4,A OR lower nibble of Acc with P4 ORLD P5,A OR lower nibble of Acc with P5 ORLD P6,A OR lower nibble of Acc with P6 ORLD P7,A OR lower nibble of Acc with P7 OUTL BUS,A Output Acc to Bus OUT DBB,A Output Acc to DBB (8041) OUTL P0,A Output Acc to Port P0 (8021) OUTL P1,A Output Acc to Port P1 OUTL P2,A Output Acc to Port P2 RAD Move A/D Converter to Acc (8022) RET Return from subroutine RETI Return from Interrupt w/o PSW restore(8022) RETR Return from Interrupt w/ PSW restore RL A Rotate Acc Left RLC A Rotate Acc Left through Carry RR A Rotate Acc Right RRC A Rotate Acc Right through Carry SEL AN0 Select Analog Input 0 (8022) SEL AN1 Select Analog Input 1 (8022) SEL MB0 Select Memory Bank 0 SEL MB1 Select Memory Bank 1 SEL RB0 Select Register Bank 0 SEL RB1 Select Register Bank 1 STOP TCNT Stop Timer/Counter STRT CNT Start Counter STRT T Start Timer SWAP A Swap nibbles of Acc XCH A,Rn Exchange Register with Acc XCH A,@R0 Exchange Indirect RAM with Acc XCH A,@R1 Exchange Indirect RAM with Acc XCHD A,@R0 Exchange lower nibble of Indirect RAM w/ Acc XCHD A,@R1 Exchange lower nibble of Indirect RAM w/ Acc XRL A,Rn Exclusive OR Register to Acc XRL A,@R0 Exclusive OR Indirect RAM to Acc XRL A,@R1 Exclusive OR Indirect RAM to Acc XRL A,#_immed_ Exclusive OR Immediate data to Acc
See manufacturer's data for a more complete description of the meaning of the mnemonics and addressing modes.
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the 8051 version of TASM. Where 'Rn' is seen, R0 through R7 may be substituted. Other symbolic fields are as follows:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------- _addr11_ Absolute address (11 bits) _addr16_ Absolute address (16 bits) _bit_ Bit address _immed_ Immediate data _direct_ Direct RAM address _rel_ Relative address
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of any of the above symbolics.
OPCODE OPERAND DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- ACALL _addr11_ Absolute Call ADD A,Rn Add Register to Acc ADD A,@R0 Add Indirect RAM to Acc ADD A,@R1 Add Indirect RAM to Acc ADD A,#_immed_ Add Immediate data to Acc ADD A,_direct_ Add Direct RAM to Acc ADDC A,Rn Add Register to Acc with carry ADDC A,@R0 Add Indirect RAM to Acc with carry ADDC A,@R1 Add Indirect RAM to Acc with carry ADDC A,#_immed_ Add Immediate data to Acc with carry ADDC A,_direct_ Add Direct RAM to Acc with carry AJMP _addr11_ Absolute Jump ANL A,Rn AND Register and Acc ANL A,@R0 AND Indirect RAM and Acc ANL A,@R1 AND Indirect RAM and Acc ANL A,#_immed_ AND Immediate data and Acc ANL A,_direct_ AND Direct RAM and Acc ANL C,/_bit_ AND Complement of direct bit to Carry ANL C,bit> AND direct bit to Carry ANL _direct_,A AND Acc to direct RAM ANL _direct_,#_immed_ AND Immediate data and direct RAM CJNE A,#_immed_,_rel_ Compare Immediate to Acc and JNE CJNE A,_direct_,_rel_ Compare direct RAM to Acc and JNE CJNE Rn,#_immed_,_rel_ Compare Immediate to Register and JNE CJNE @R0,#_immed_,_rel_ Compare Immediate to Indirect RAM and JNE CJNE @R1,#_immed_,_rel_ Compare Immediate to Indirect RAM and JNE CLR A Clear Accumulator CLR C Clear Carry CLR _bit_ Clear Bit CPL A Complement Accumulator CPL C Complement Carry CPL _bit_ Complement Bit DA A Decimal Adjust Accumulator DEC A Decrement Acc DEC Rn Decrement Register DEC @R0 Decrement Indirect RAM DEC @R1 Decrement Indirect RAM DEC _direct_ Decrement Direct RAM DIV AB Divide Acc by B DJNZ Rn,_rel_ Decrement Register and JNZ DJNZ _direct_,_rel_ Decrement Direct RAM and JNZ INC A Increment Acc INC Rn Increment Register INC @R0 Increment Indirect RAM INC @R1 Increment Indirect RAM INC DPTR Increment Data Pointer INC _direct_ Increment Direct RAM JB _bit_,_rel_ Jump if Bit is set JBC _bit_,_rel_ Jump if Bit is set & clear Bit JC _rel_ Jump if Carry is set JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to Data Pointer JNB _bit_,_rel_ Jump if Bit is clear JNC _rel_ Jump if Carry is clear JNZ _rel_ Jump if Acc is not zero JZ _rel_ Jump if Acc is zero LCALL _addr16_ Long Subroutine Call LJMP _addr16_ Long Jump MOV A,Rn Move Register to Acc MOV A,@R0 Move Indirect RAM to Acc MOV A,@R1 Move Indirect RAM to Acc MOV A,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Acc MOV A,_direct_ Move direct RAM to Acc MOV C,_bit_ Move bit to Acc MOV DPTR,#_immed_ Move immediate data to Data Pointer MOV Rn,A Move Acc to Register MOV Rn,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Register MOV Rn,_direct_ Move Direct RAM to Register MOV @R0,A Move Acc to Indirect RAM MOV @R1,A Move Acc to Indirect RAM MOV @R0,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Indirect RAM MOV @R1,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Indirect RAM MOV @R0,_direct_ Move Direct RAM to Indirect RAM MOV @R1,_direct_ Move Direct RAM to Indirect RAM MOV _direct_,A Move Acc to Direct RAM MOV _bit_,C Move Carry to Bit MOV _direct_,Rn Move Register to Direct RAM MOV _direct_,@R0 Move Indirect RAM to Direct RAM MOV _direct_,@R1 Move Indirect RAM to Direct RAM MOV _direct_,#_immed_ Move Immediate data to Direct RAM MOV _direct_,_direct_ Move Direct RAM to Direct RAM MOVC A,@A+DPTR Move code byte relative to DPTR to Acc MOVC A,@A+PC Move code byte relative to PC to Acc MOVX A,@R0 Move external RAM to Acc MOVX A,@R1 Move external RAM to Acc MOVX A,@DPTR Move external RAM to Acc (16 bit addr) MOVX @R0,A Move Acc to external RAM MOVX @R1,A Move Acc to external RAM MOVX @DPTR,A Move Acc to external RAM (16 bit addr) MUL AB Multiply Acc by B NOP No operation ORL A,Rn OR Register and Acc ORL A,@R0 OR Indirect RAM and Acc ORL A,@R1 OR Indirect RAM and Acc ORL A,#_immed_ OR Immediate data and Acc ORL A,_direct_ OR Direct RAM and Acc ORL C,/_bit_ OR Complement of direct bit to Carry ORL C,_bit_ OR direct bit to Carry ORL _direct_,A OR Acc to direct RAM ORL _direct_,#_immed_ OR Immediate data and direct RAM POP _direct_ Pop from Stack and put in Direct RAM PUSH _direct_ Push from Direct RAM to Stack RET Return from subroutine RETI Return from Interrupt RL A Rotate Acc left RLC A Rotate Acc left through Carry RR A Rotate Acc right RRC A Rotate Acc right through Carry SETB C Set the Carry Bit SETB _bit_ Set Direct Bit SJMP _rel_ Short jump SUBB A,Rn Subtract Register from Acc with Borrow SUBB A,@R0 Subtract Indirect RAM from Acc w/ Borrow SUBB A,@R1 Subtract Indirect RAM from Acc w/ Borrow SUBB A,#_immed_ Subtract Immediate data from Acc w/ Borrow SUBB A,_direct_ Subtract Direct RAM from Acc w/ Borrow SWAP A Swap nibbles of Acc XCH A,Rn Exchange Acc with Register XCH A,@R0 Exchange Acc with Indirect RAM XCH A,@R1 Exchange Acc with Indirect RAM XCH A,_direct_ Exchange Acc with Direct RAM XCHD A,@R0 Exchange Digit in Acc with Indirect RAM XCHD A,@R1 Exchange Digit in Acc with Indirect RAM XRL A,Rn Exclusive OR Register and Acc XRL A,@R0 Exclusive OR Indirect RAM and Acc XRL A,@R1 Exclusive OR Indirect RAM and Acc XRL A,#_immed_ Exclusive OR Immediate data and Acc XRL A,_direct_ Exclusive OR Direct RAM and Acc XRL _direct_,A Exclusive OR Acc to direct RAM XRL _direct_,#_immed_ Exclusive OR Immediate data and direct RAM
Note that the above tables do not automatically define the various mnemonics that may be used for addressing the special function registers of the 8051. The user may wish to set up a file of equates (EQU's) that can be included in the source file for this purpose. The following illustrates some of the appropriate equates:
P0 .equ 080H ;Port 0 SP .equ 081H ;Stack pointer DPL .equ 082H DPH .equ 083H PCON .equ 087H TCON .equ 088H TMOD .equ 089H TL0 .equ 08AH TL1 .equ 08BH TH0 .equ 08CH TH1 .equ 08DH P1 .equ 090H ;Port 1 SCON .equ 098H SBUF .equ 099H P2 .equ 0A0H ;Port 2 IEC .equ 0A8H P3 .equ 0B0H ;Port 3 IPC .equ 0B8H PSW .equ 0D0H ACC .equ 0E0H ;Accumulator B .equ 0F0H ;Secondary Accumulator ;Now some bit addresses P0.0 .equ 080H ;Port 0 bit 0 P0.1 .equ 081H ;Port 0 bit 1 P0.2 .equ 082H ;Port 0 bit 2 P0.3 .equ 083H ;Port 0 bit 3 P0.4 .equ 084H ;Port 0 bit 4 P0.5 .equ 085H ;Port 0 bit 5 P0.6 .equ 086H ;Port 0 bit 6 P0.7 .equ 087H ;Port 0 bit 7 ACC.0 .equ 0E0H ;Acc bit 0 ACC.1 .equ 0E1H ;Acc bit 1 ACC.2 .equ 0E2H ;Acc bit 2 ACC.3 .equ 0E3H ;Acc bit 3 ACC.4 .equ 0E4H ;Acc bit 4 ACC.5 .equ 0E5H ;Acc bit 5 ACC.6 .equ 0E6H ;Acc bit 6 ACC.7 .equ 0E7H ;Acc bit 7
See the manufacturer's data sheets for more information.
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the 8085 version of TASM. The following symbols are used in the table:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------- _addr_ Absolute address (16 bits) _data_ Immediate data (8 bits) _data16_ Immediate data (16 bits) _reg_ Register (A,B,C,D,E,H,L) _rp_ Register pair (B,D,H,SP) _port_ Port address (0-255) _int_ Interrupt level (0 - 7)
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of any of the above symbolics except _reg_, _rp_ and _int_.
OPCODE OPERAND DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- ACI _data_ Add immediate to A with carry ADC _reg_ Add _reg_ to A with carry ADC M Add indirect memory (HL) with carry ADD _reg_ Add _reg_ to A ADD M Add indirect memory (HL) to A ADI _data_ Add immediate to A ANA _reg_ And register with A ANA M And indirect memory (HL) to A ANI _data_ And immediate to A CALL _addr_ Call subroutine at _addr_ CC _addr_ Call subroutine if carry set CNC _addr_ Call subroutine if carry clear CZ _addr_ Call subroutine if zero CNZ _addr_ Call subroutine if non zero CP _addr_ Call subroutine if positive CM _addr_ Call subroutine if negative CPE _addr_ Call subroutine if even parity CPO _addr_ Call subroutine if odd parity CMA Complement A CMC Complemennt carry CMP _reg_ Compare register with A CMP M Compare indirect memory (HL) with A CPI _data_ Compare immediate data with A DAA Decimal adjust A DAD _rp_ Add register pair to HL DCR _reg_ Decrement register DCR M Decrement indirect memory (HL) DCX _rp_ Decrement register pair DI Disable interrupts EI Enable interrupts HLT Halt IN _port_ Input on port INR _reg_ Increment register INR M Increment indirect memory (HL) INX _rp_ Increment register pair JMP _addr_ Jump JC _addr_ Jump if carry set JNC _addr_ Jump if carry clear JZ _addr_ Jump if zero JNZ _addr_ Jump if not zero JM _addr_ Jump if minus JP _addr_ Jump if plus JPE _addr_ Jump if parity even JPO _addr_ Jump if parity odd LDA _addr_ Load A direct from memory LDAX B Load A indirect from memory using BC LDAX D Load A indirect from memory using DE LHLD _addr_ Load HL direct from memory LXI _rp_,_data16_ Load register pair with immediate data MOV _reg_,_reg_ Move register to register MOV _reg_,M Move indirect memory (HL) to register MVI _reg_,_data_ Move immediate data to register NOP No operation ORA _reg_ Or register with A ORA M Or indirect memory (HL) with A ORI _data_ Or immediate data to A OUT _port_ Ouput to port PCHL Jump to instruction at (HL) POP _rp_ Pop register pair (excluding SP) from stack PUSH _rp_ Push register pair (excluding SP) onto stack POP PSW Pop PSW from stack PUSH PSW Pop PSW onto stack RAL Rotate A left with carry RAR Rotate A right with carry RLC Rotate A left with branch carry RRC Rotate A right with branch carry RET Return from subroutine RZ Return if zero RNZ Return if non zero RC Return if carry set RNC Return if carry clear RM Return if minus RP Return if plus RPE Return if parity even RPO Return if parity odd RIM Read interrupt mask RST _int_ Restart at vector _int_ SBB _reg_ Subtract _reg_ from A with borrow SBB M Subtract indirect memory (HL) with borrow SBI _data_ Subtract immediate from A with borrow SUB _reg_ Subtract _reg_ from A SUB M Subtract indirect memory (HL) from A SUI _data_ Subtract immediate from A SHLD _addr_ Store HL SIM Store Interrupt mask SPHL Exchange SP with HL STA _addr_ Store A direct memory STAX B Store A indirect using BC STAX D Store A indirect using DE STC Set carry XRA _reg_ Exclusive OR A with register XRA M Exclusive Or A with indirect memory (HL) XRI _data_ Exclusive Or A with immediate data XCHG Exchange DE with HL XTHL Exchange HL with top of stack
See the manufacturer's data sheets for more information.
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the Z80 version of TASM. The following symbols are used in the table:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------- _addr_ Absolute address (16 bits) _bit_ Bit address _data_ Immediate data (8 bits) _data16_ Immediate data (16 bits) _disp_ Relative address _reg_ Register (A, B, C, D, E, H, or L) _rp_ Register pair (BC, DE, HL, or SP) _port_ Port (0 - 255) _cond_ Condition NZ - not zero Z - zero NC - not carry C - carry PO - parity odd PE - parity even P - positive M - minus
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of the _addr_, _bit_, _data_, _data16_, or _disp_ symbolics.
OPCODE OPERAND DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADC A,_data_ Add immediate with carry to accumulator ADC A,_reg_ Add register with carry to accumulator ADC A,(HL) Add indirect memory with carry to accumulator ADC A,(IX+_disp_) Add indirect memory with carry to accumulator ADC A,(IY+_disp_) Add indirect memory with carry to accumulator ADC HL,_rp_ Add register pair with carry to HL ADD A,_data_ Add immediate to accumulator ADD A,_reg_ Add register to accumulator ADD A,(HL) Add indirect memory to accumulator ADD A,(IX+_disp_) Add indirect memory to accumulator ADD A,(IY+_disp_) Add indirect memory to accumulator ADD HL,_rp_ Add register pair to HL ADD IX,_rp_ Add register pair to index register ADD IY,_rp_ Add register pair to index register AND _data_ And immediate with accumulator AND _reg_ And register with accumulator AND (HL) And memory with accumulator AND (IX+_disp_) And memory with accumulator AND (IY+_disp_) And memory with accumulator BIT _bit_,_reg_ Test _bit_ in register BIT _bit_,(HL) Test _bit_ in indirect memory BIT _bit_,(IY+_disp_) Test _bit_ in indirect memory BIT _bit_,(IX+_disp_) Test _bit_ in indirect memory CALL _addr_ Call the routine at _addr_ CALL _cond_,_addr_ Call the routine if _cond_ is satisfied CCF Complement carry flag CP _data_ Compare immediate data with accumulator CP _reg_ Compare register with accumulator CP (HL) Compare indirect memory with accumulator CP (IX+_disp_) Compare indirect memory with accumulator CP (IY+_disp_) Compare indirect memory with accumulator CPD Compare accumulator with memory and decrement address and byte counters CPDR Compare accumulator with memory and decrement address and byte counter, continue until match is found or byte counter is zero CPI Compare accumulator with memory and increment address and byte counters CPIR Compare accumulator with memory and increment address and byte counter, continue until match is found or byte counter is zero CPL Complement the accumulator DAA Decimal adjust accumulator DEC _reg_ Decrement register contents DI Disable interrupts DJNZ _disp_ Decrement reg B and jump relative if zero EI Enable interrupts EX AF,AF' Exchange program status and alt program stat EX DE,HL Exchange DE and HL contents EX (SP),HL Exchange contents of HL and top of stack EX (SP),IX Exchange contents of IX and top of stack EX (SP),IY Exchange contents of IY and top of stack EXX Exchange register pairs and alt reg pairs HALT Program execution stops IM 0 Interrupt mode 0 IM 1 Interrupt mode 1 IM 2 Interrupt mode 2 IN A,_port_ Input port to accumulator INC _reg_ Increment contents of register INC _rp_ Increment contents of register pair INC IX Increment IX INC IY Increment IY INC (HL) Increment indirect memory INC (IX+_disp_) Increment indirect memory INC (IY+_disp_) Increment indirect memory IND Input to memory and decrement pointer INDR Input to memory and decrement pointer until byte counter is zero INI Input to memory and increment pointer INIR Input to memory and increment pointer until byte counter is zero IN _reg_,(C) Input to register JP _addr_ Jump to location JP _cond_,_addr_ Jump to location if condition satisifed JP (HL) Jump to location pointed to by HL JP (IX) Jump to location pointed to by IX JP (IY) Jump to location pointed to by IY JR _disp_ Jump relative JR C,_disp_ Jump relative if carry is set JR NC,_disp_ Jump relative if carry bit is reset JR NZ,_disp_ Jump relative if zero flag is reset JR Z,_disp_ Jump relative if zero flag is set LD A,I Move interrupt vector contents to accumulator LD A,R Move refresh reg contents to accumulator LD A,(_addr_) Load accumulator indirect from memory LD A,(_rp_) Load accumulator indirect from memory by _rp_ LD _reg_,_reg_ Load source register to destination register LD _rp_,(_addr_) Load register pair indirect from memory LD IX,(_addr_) Load IX indirect from memory LD IY,(_addr_) Load IY indirect from memory LD I,A Load interrup vector from accumulator LD R,A Load refresh register from accumulator LD _reg_,_data_ Load register with immediate data LD _rp_,_data16_ Load register pair with immediate data LD IX,_data16_ Load IX with immediate data LD IY,_data16_ Load IY with immediate data LD _reg_,(HL) Load register indirect from memory LD _reg_,(IX+_disp_) Load register indirect from memory LD _reg_,(IY+_disp_) Load register indirect from memory LD SP,HL Load contents of HL to stack pointer LD SP,IX Load contents of IX to stack pointer LD SP,IY Load contents of IY to stack pointer LD (addr),A Load contents of A to memory LD (_addr_),HL Load contents of HL to memory LD (_addr_),_rp_ Load contents of register pair to memory LD (_addr_),IX Load contents of IX to memory LD (_addr_),IY Load contents of IY to memory LD (HL),_data_ Load immediate into indirect memory LD (IX+_disp_),_data_ Load immediate into indirect memory LD (IY+_disp_),_data_ Load immediate into indirect memory LD (HL),_reg_ Load register into indirect memory LD (IX+_disp_),_reg_ Load register into indirect memory LD (IY+_disp_),_reg_ Load register into indirect memory LD (_rp_),A Load accumulator into indirect memory LDD Transfer data between memory and decrement destination and source addresses LDDR Transfer data between memory until byte counter is zero, decrement destintation and source addresses LDI Transfer data between memory and increment destination and source addresses LDIR Transfer data between memory until byte counter is zero, increment destination and source addresses NEG Negate contents of accumulator NOP No operation OR _data_ Or immediate with accumulator OR _reg_ Or register with accumulator OR (HL) Or indirect memory with accumulator OR (IX+_disp_) Or indirect memory with accumulator OR (IY+_disp_) Or indirect memory with accumulator OUT (C),_reg_ Output from registor OUTD Output from memory, decrement address OTDR Output from memory, decrement address continue until reg B is zero OUTI Output from memory, increment address OTIR Output from memory, increment address continue until reg B is zero OUT _port_,A Output from accumulator POP _rp_ Load register pair from top of stack POP IX Load IX from top of stack POP IY Load IY from top of stack PUSH _rp_ Store resister pair on top of stack PUSH IX Store IX on top of stack PUSH IY Store IY on top of stack RES _bit_,_reg_ Reset register bit RES _bit_,(HL) Reset bit at indirect memory location RES _bit_,(IX+disp) Reset bit at indirect memory location RES _bit_,(IY+_disp_) Reset bit at indirect memory location RET Return from subroutine RET _cond_ Return from subroutine if condition true RETI Return from interrupt RETN Return from non-maskable interrupt RL _reg_ Rotate left through carry register contents RL (HL) Rotate left through carry indirect memory RL (IX+_disp_) Rotate left through carry indirect memory RL (IY+_disp_) Rotate left through carry indirect memory RLA Rotate left through carry accumulator RLC _reg_ Rotate left branch carry register contents RLC (HL) Rotate left branch carry indirect memory RLC (IX+_disp_) Rotate left branch carry indirect memory RLC (IY+_disp_) Rotate left branch carry indirect memory RLCA Rotate left accumulator RLD Rotate one BCD digit left between the accumulator and memory RR _reg_ Rotate right through carry register contents RR (HL) Rotate right through carry indirect memory RR (IX+_disp_) Rotate right through carry indirect memory RR (IY+_disp_) Rotate right through carry indirect memory RRA Rotate right through carry accumulator RRC _reg_ Rotate right branch carry register contents RRC (HL) Rotate right branch carry indirect memory RRC (IX+_disp_) Rotate right branch carry indirect memory RRC (IY+_disp_) Rotate right branch carry indirect memory RRCA Rotate right branch carry accumulator RRD Rotate one BCD digit right between the accumulator and memory RST Restart SBC A,_data_ Subtract data from A with borrow SBC A,_reg_ Subtract register from A with borrow SBC A,(HL) Subtract indirect memory from A with borrow SBC A,(IX+_disp_) Subtract indirect memory from A with borrow SBC A,(IY+_disp_) Subtract indirect memory from A with borrow SBC HL,_rp_ Subtract register pair from HL with borrow SCF Set carry flag SET _bit_,_reg_ Set register bit SET _bit_,(HL) Set indirect memory bit SET _bit_,(IX+_disp_) Set indirect memory bit SET _bit_,(IY+_disp_) Set indirect memory bit SLA _reg_ Shift register left arithmetic SLA (HL) Shift indirect memory left arithmetic SLA (IX+_disp_) Shift indirect memory left arithmetic SLA (IY+_disp_) Shift indirect memory left arithmetic SRA _reg_ Shift register right arithmetic SRA (HL) Shift indirect memory right arithmetic SRA (IX+_disp_) Shift indirect memory right arithmetic SRA (IY+_disp_) Shift indirect memory right arithmetic SRL _reg_ Shift register right logical SRL (HL) Shift indirect memory right logical SRL (IX+_disp_) Shift indirect memory right logical SRL (IY+_disp_) Shift indirect memory right logical SUB _data_ Subtract immediate from accumulator SUB _reg_ Subtract register from accumulator SUB (HL) Subtract indirect memory from accumulator SUB (IX+_disp_) Subtract indirect memory from accumulator SUB (IY+_disp_) Subtract indirect memory from accumulator XOR _data_ Exclusive or immediate with accumulator XOR _reg_ Exclusive or register with accumulator XOR (HL) Exclusive or indirect memory with accumulator XOR (IX+_disp_) Exclusive or indirect memory with accumulator XOR (IY+_disp_) Exclusive or indirect memory with accumulator
See the manufacturer's data sheets for more information.
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the 6805 version of TASM. The following symbols are used in the table:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------- _addr_ Absolute address (16 bits) _addr8_ Absolute address (8 bits) _bit_ Bit address _data_ Immediate data (8 bits) _rel_ Relative address
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of the _addr_, _addr8_, _bit_, _data_, or _rel_ symbolics.
OPCODE OPERAND DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------- ADC #_data_ Add with carry, immediate ADC ,X Add with carry, indexed, no offset ADC _addr8_,X Add with carry, indexed, 1 byte offset ADC _addr_,X Add with carry, indexed, 2 byte offset ADC _addr8_ Add with carry, direct ADC _addr_ Add with carry, extended ADD #_data_ Add, immediate ADD ,X Add, indexed, no offset ADD _addr8_,X Add, indexed, 1 byte offset ADD _addr_,X Add, indexed, 2 byte offset ADD _addr8_ Add, direct ADD _addr_ Add, extended AND #_data_ And, immediate AND ,X And, indexed, no offset AND _addr8_,X And, indexed, 1 byte offset AND _addr_,X And, indexed, 2 byte offset AND _addr8_ And, direct AND _addr_ And, extended ASLA Arithmetic Shift Left, accumulator ASLX Arithmetic Shift Left, index register ASL _addr8_ Arithmetic Shift Left, direct ASL ,X Arithmetic Shift Left, indexed, no offset ASL _addr8_,X Arithmetic Shift Left, indexed, 1 byte offset ASRA Arithmetic Shift Right, accumulator ASRX Arithmetic Shift Right, index register ASR _addr8_ Arithmetic Shift Right, direct ASR ,X Arithmetic Shift Right, indexed, no offset ASR _addr8_,X Arithmetic Shift Right, indexed, 1 byte offset BCC _rel_ Branch if carry clear BCLR _bit_,_addr8_ Bit Clear in memory BCS _rel_ Branch if carry set BEQ _rel_ Branch if equal BHCC _rel_ Branch if half carry clear BHCS _rel_ Branch if half carry set BHI _rel_ Branch if higher BHS _rel_ Branch if higher or same BIH _rel_ Branch if interrupt line is high BIL _rel_ Branch if interrupt is low BIT #_data_ Bit test, immediate BIT ,X Bit test, indexed, no offset BIT _addr8_,X Bit test, indexed, 1 byte offset BIT _addr_,X Bit test, indexed, 2 byte offset BIT _addr8_ Bit test, direct BIT _addr_ Bit test, extended BLO _rel_ Branch if lower BLS _rel_ Branch if lower or same BMC _rel_ Branch if interrupt mask is clear BMI _rel_ Branch if minus BMS _rel_ Branch if interuupt mask bit is set BNE _rel_ Branch if not equal BPL _rel_ Branch if plus BRA _rel_ Branch always BRCLR _bit_,_addr8_,_rel_ Branch if bit is clear BRN _rel_ Branch never BRSET _bit_,_addr8_,_rel_ Branch if bit is set BSET _bit_,_addr8_ Bit set in memory BSR _rel_ Branch to subroutine CLC Clear carry bit CLI Clear interuupt mask bit CLRA Clear, accumulator CLRX Clear, index register CLR _addr8_ Clear, direct CLR ,X Clear, indexed, no offset CLR _addr8_,X Clear, indexed, 1 byte offset CMP #_data_ Compare Acc, immediate CMP ,X Compare Acc, indexed, no offset CMP _addr8_,X Compare Acc, indexed, 1 byte offset CMP _addr_,X Compare Acc, indexed, 2 byte offset CMP _addr8_ Compare Acc, direct CMP _addr_ Compare Acc, extended COMA Complement, accumulator COMX Complement, index register COM _addr8_ Complement, direct COM ,X Complement, indexed, no offset COM _addr8_,X Complement, indexed, 1 byte offset CPX #_data_ Compare Index, immediate CPX ,X Compare Index, indexed, no offset CPX _addr8_,X Compare Index, indexed, 1 byte offset CPX _addr_,X Compare Index, indexed, 2 byte offset CPX _addr8_ Compare Index, direct CPX _addr_ Compare Index, extended DECA Decrement, accumulator DECX Decrement, index register DEX Decrement, index register (alternate of DECX) DEC _addr8_ Decrement, direct DEC ,X Decrement, indexed, no offset DEC _addr8_,X Decrement, indexed, 1 byte offset EOR #_data_ Exclusive OR, immediate EOR ,X Exclusive OR, indexed, no offset EOR _addr8_,X Exclusive OR, indexed, 1 byte offset EOR _addr_,X Exclusive OR, indexed, 2 byte offset EOR _addr8_ Exclusive OR, direct EOR _addr_ Exclusive OR, extended INCA Increment, accumulator INCX Increment, index register INX Increment, index register (alternate of INCX) INC _addr8_ Increment, direct INC ,X Increment, indexed, no offset INC _addr8_,X Increment, indexed, 1 byte offset JMP ,X Jump, indexed, no offset JMP _addr8_,X Jump, indexed, 1 byte offset JMP _addr_,X Jump, indexed, 2 byte offset JMP _addr8_ Jump, direct JMP _addr_ Jump, extended JSR ,X Jump Subroutine, indexed, no offset JSR _addr8_,X Jump Subroutine, indexed, 1 byte offset JSR _addr_,X Jump Subroutine, indexed, 2 byte offset JSR _addr8_ Jump Subroutine, direct JSR _addr_ Jump Subroutine, extended LDA #_data_ Load Acc, immediate LDA ,X Load Acc, indexed, no offset LDA _addr8_,X Load Acc, indexed, 1 byte offset LDA _addr_,X Load Acc, indexed, 2 byte offset LDA _addr8_ Load Acc, direct LDA _addr_ Load Acc, extended LDX #_data_ Load Index, immediate LDX ,X Load Index, indexed, no offset LDX _addr8_,X Load Index, indexed, 1 byte offset LDX _addr_,X Load Index, indexed, 2 byte offset LDX _addr8_ Load Index, direct LDX _addr_ Load Index, extended LSLA Logical Shift Left, accumulator LSLX Logical Shift Left, index register LSL _addr8_ Logical Shift Left, direct LSL ,X Logical Shift Left, indexed, no offset LSL _addr8_,X Logical Shift Left, indexed, 1 byte offset LSRA Logical Shift Right, accumulator LSRX Logical Shift Right, index register LSR _addr8_ Logical Shift Right, direct LSR ,X Logical Shift Right, indexed, no offset LSR _addr8_,X Logical Shift Right, indexed, 1 byte offset NEGA Negate, accumulator NEGX Negate, index register NEG _addr8_ Negate, direct NEG ,X Negate, indexed, no offset NEG _addr8_,X Negate, indexed, 1 byte offset NOP No Operation ORA #_data_ Inclusive OR Acc, immediate ORA ,X Inclusive OR Acc, indexed, no offset ORA _addr8_,X Inclusive OR Acc, indexed, 1 byte offset ORA _addr_,X Inclusive OR Acc, indexed, 2 byte offset ORA _addr8_ Inclusive OR Acc, direct ORA _addr_ Inclusive OR Acc, extended ROLA Rotate Left thru Carry, accumulator ROLX Rotate Left thru Carry, index register ROL _addr8_ Rotate Left thru Carry, direct ROL ,X Rotate Left thru Carry, indexed, no offset ROL _addr8_,X Rotate Left thru Carry, indexed, 1 byte offset RORA Rotate Right thru Carry, accumulator RORX Rotate Right thru Carry, index register ROR _addr8_ Rotate Right thru Carry, direct ROR ,X Rotate Right thru Carry, indexed, no offset ROR _addr8_,X Rotate Right thru Carry, indexed, 1 byte offset RSP Reset Stack Pointer RTI Return from Interrupt RTS Return from Subroutine SBC #_data_ Subtract with Carry, immediate SBC ,X Subtract with Carry, indexed, no offset SBC _addr8_,X Subtract with Carry, indexed, 1 byte offset SBC _addr_,X Subtract with Carry, indexed, 2 byte offset SBC _addr8_ Subtract with Carry, direct SBC _addr_ Subtract with Carry, extended SEC Set carry bit SEI Set interrupt Mask bit STA #_data_ Store Acc, immediate STA ,X Store Acc, indexed, no offset STA _addr8_,X Store Acc, indexed, 1 byte offset STA _addr_,X Store Acc, indexed, 2 byte offset STA _addr8_ Store Acc, direct STA _addr_ Store Acc, extended STOP Enable IRQ, Stop Oscillator STX #_data_ Store Index, immediate STX ,X Store Index, indexed, no offset STX _addr8_,X Store Index, indexed, 1 byte offset STX _addr_,X Store Index, indexed, 2 byte offset STX _addr8_ Store Index, direct STX _addr_ Store Index, extended SUB #_data_ Subtract, immediate SUB ,X Subtract, indexed, no offset SUB _addr8_,X Subtract, indexed, 1 byte offset SUB _addr_,X Subtract, indexed, 2 byte offset SUB _addr8_ Subtract, direct SUB _addr_ Subtract, extended SWI Software Interrupt TAX Transfer Acc to Index TSTA Test for neg or zero, accumulator TSTX Test for neg or zero, index register TST _addr8_ Test for neg or zero, direct TST ,X Test for neg or zero, indexed, no offset TST _addr8_,X Test for neg or zero, indexed, 1 byte offset TXA Transfer Index to Acc WAIT Enable Interrupt, Stop Processor
See the manufacturer's data sheets for more information.
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the TMS32010 version of TASM. The following symbols are used in the table:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------- _ar_ Auxiliary register (AR0, AR1) _arp_ Auxiliary register pointer _dma_ Direct memory address _pma_ Program memory address _port_ Port address (0 - 7) _shift_ Shift count (0 - 15) _const1_ Constant (1 bit) _const8_ Constant (8 bit) _const13_ Constant (13 bit)
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of any of the above symbolics.
OPCODE OPERAND DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- ABS Absolute value of ACC ADD *+,_shift_,_arp_ Add to ACC with shift ADD *-,_shift_,_arp_ ADD *, _shift_,_arp_ ADD *+,_shift_ ADD *-,_shift_ ADD *, _shift_ ADD *+ ADD *- ADD * ADD _dma_,_shift_ ADD _dma_ ADDH *+,_arp_ Add to high-order ACC bits ADDH *-,_arp_ ADDH *, _arp_ ADDH *+ ADDH *- ADDH * ADDH _dma_ ADDS *+,_arp_ Add to ACC with no sign extension ADDS *-,_arp_ ADDS *, _arp_ ADDS *+ ADDS *- ADDS * ADDS _dma_ AND *+,_arp_ AND with ACC AND *-,_arp_ AND *, _arp_ AND *+ AND *- AND * AND _dma_ APAC Add P register to ACC B _pma_ Branch unconditionally BANZ _pma_ Branch on auxiliary register not zero BGEZ _pma_ Branch if ACC >= 0 BGZ _pma_ Branch if ACC > 0 BIOZ _pma_ Branch on BIO- = 0 BLEZ _pma_ Branch if ACC <= 0 BLZ _pma_ Branch if ACC < 0 BNZ _pma_ Branch if ACC
0 BV _pma_ Branch on overflow BZ _pma_ Branch if ACC = 0 CALA Call subroutine from ACC CALL _pma_ Call subroutine at _pma_ DINT Disable interrupt DMOV *+,_arp_ Data move in memory DMOV *-,_arp_ DMOV *, _arp_ DMOV *+ DMOV *- DMOV * DMOV _dma_ EINT Enable Interrupt IN *+,_port_ ,_arp_ Input data from port IN *-,_port_ ,_arp_ IN * ,_port_ ,_arp_ IN *+,_port_ IN *-,_port_ IN * ,_port_ IN _dma_,_port_ LAC *+,_shift_,_arp_ Load ACC with shift LAC *-,_shift_,_arp_ LAC *, _shift_,_arp_ LAC *+,_shift_ LAC *-,_shift_ LAC *, _shift_ LAC *+ LAC *- LAC * LAC _dma_,_shift_ LAC _dma_ LACK _const8_ Load ACC with 8 bit constant LAR _ar_,*+,_arp_ Load auxiliary Register LAR _ar_,*-,_arp_ LAR _ar_,*, _arp_ LAR _ar_,*+ LAR _ar_,*- LAR _ar_,* LAR _ar_,_dma_ LARK _ar_,_const8_ Load aux register with constant LARP _const1_ Load aux register pointer immed LDP *+,_arp_ Load data memory page pointer LDP *-,_arp_ LDP *, _arp_ LDP *+ LDP *- LDP * LDP _dma_ LDPK _const1_ Load data page pointer immediate LST *+,_arp_ Load status from data memory LST *-,_arp_ LST *, _arp_ LST *+ LST *- LST * LST _dma_ LT *+,_arp_ Load T register LT *-,_arp_ LT *, _arp_ LT *+ LT *- LT * LT _dma_ LTA *+,_arp_ Load T register and accumulate LTA *-,_arp_ product LTA *, _arp_ LTA *+ LTA *- LTA * LTA _dma_ LTD *+,_arp_ Load T reg, accumulate product, LTD *-,_arp_ and move LTD *, _arp_ LTD *+ LTD *- LTD * LTD _dma_ MAR *+,_arp_ Modify auxiliary register MAR *-,_arp_ MAR *, _arp_ MAR *+ MAR *- MAR * MAR _dma_ MPY *+,_arp_ Multiply MPY *-,_arp_ MPY *, _arp_ MPY *+ MPY *- MPY * MPY _dma_ MPYK _const13_ Multiply immediate NOP No Operation OR *+,_arp_ OR with low order bits of ACC OR *-,_arp_ OR *, _arp_ OR *+ OR *- OR * OR _dma_ OUT *+,_port_,_arp_ Output data to port OUT *-,_port_,_arp_ OUT *, _port_,_arp_ OUT *+,_port_ OUT *-,_port_ OUT *, _port_ OUT _dma_,_port_ PAC Load ACC with P register POP Pop top of stack to ACC PUSH Push ACC onto stack RET Return from subroutine ROVM Reset overflow mode register SACH *+,_shift_,_arp_ Store ACC high with shift SACH *-,_shift_,_arp_ Note: shift can only be 0, 1, SACH *, _shift_,_arp_ or 4 SACH *+,_shift_ SACH *-,_shift_ SACH *, _shift_ SACH *+ SACH *- SACH * SACH _dma_,_shift_ SACH _dma_ SACL *+,_arp_ Store ACC low SACL *-,_arp_ SACL *, _arp_ SACL *+ SACL *- SACL * SACL _dma_ SAR _ar_,*+,_arp_ Store auxiliary Register SAR _ar_,*-,_arp_ SAR _ar_,*, _arp_ SAR _ar_,*+ SAR _ar_,*- SAR _ar_,* SAR _ar_,_dma_ SOVM Set overflow mode register SPAC Subtract P register from ACC SST *+,_arp_ Store status SST *-,_arp_ SST *, _arp_ SST *+ SST *- SST * SST _dma_ SUB *+,_shift_,_arp_ Subtract from ACC with shift SUB *-,_shift_,_arp_ SUB *, _shift_,_arp_ SUB *+,_shift_ SUB *-,_shift_ SUB *, _shift_ SUB *+ SUB *- SUB * SUB _dma_,_shift_ SUB _dma_ SUBC *+,_arp_ Conditional subtract SUBC *-,_arp_ SUBC *, _arp_ SUBC *+ SUBC *- SUBC * SUBC _dma_ SUBH *+,_arp_ Subtract from high-order ACC SUBH *-,_arp_ SUBH *, _arp_ SUBH *+ SUBH *- SUBH * SUBH _dma_ SUBS *+,_arp_ Subtract from low ACC with SUBS *-,_arp_ sign-extension suppressed SUBS *, _arp_ SUBS *+ SUBS *- SUBS * SUBS _dma_ TBLR *+,_arp_ Table Read TBLR *-,_arp_ TBLR *, _arp_ TBLR *+ TBLR *- TBLR * TBLR _dma_ TBLW *+,_arp_ Table Write TBLW *-,_arp_ TBLW *, _arp_ TBLW *+ TBLW *- TBLW * TBLW _dma_ XOR *+,_arp_ Exclusive OR with low bits of ACC XOR *-,_arp_ XOR *, _arp_ XOR *+ XOR *- XOR * XOR _dma_ ZAC Zero the ACC ZALH *+,_arp_ Zero ACC and load high ZALH *-,_arp_ ZALH *, _arp_ ZALH *+ ZALH *- ZALH * ZALH _dma_ ZALS *+,_arp_ Zero ACC and load low with ZALS *-,_arp_ sign extension suppressed ZALS *, _arp_ ZALS *+ ZALS *- ZALS * ZALS _dma_
See manufacturer's data for more information.
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the TMS32025 version of TASM. The following symbols are used in the table:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------- _ar_ Auxiliary register (AR0, AR1, ...) _arp_ Auxiliary register pointer _nextarp_ Auxiliary register pointer (for next operation) _dma_ Direct memory address _pma_ Program memory address _port_ Port address (0 - 7) _shift_ Shift count (0 - 15) _const1_ Constant (1 bit) _const2_ Constant (2 bit) _const8_ Constant (8 bit) _const13_ Constant (13 bit) _ind_ Indirect addressing mode indicator (see following table)
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of any of the above symbolics except for _ind_. The _ind_ symbolic must be one of the following:
_ind_ ------- *BR0+ *BR0- *0+ *0- *+ *- * OPCODE OPERAND DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- ABS Absolute value of ACC ADD _ind_,_shift_,_nextarp_ Add to ACC with shift ADD _ind_,_shift_ ADD _ind_ ADD _dma_,_shift_ ADD _dma_ ADDC _ind_,_nextarp_ Add to ACC with carry ADDC _ind_ ADDC _dma_ ADDH _ind_,_nextarp_ Add to high ACC ADDH _ind_ ADDH _dma_ ADDK _const8_ Add to ACC short immediate ADDS _ind_,_nextarp_ Add to ACC with sign-extension suppressed ADDS _ind_ ADDS _dma_ ADDT _ind_,_nextarp_ Add to ACC with shift specified by T reg ADDT _ind_ ADDT _dma_ ADLK _const8_,_shift_ Add to ACC long immediate with shift ADLK _const8_ ADRK _const8_ Add to aux register short immediate AND _ind_,_nextarp_ And with ACC AND _ind_ AND _dma_ ANDK _const8_,_shift_ And immediate with ACC with shift ANDK _const8_ APAC Add P register to ACC B _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch unconditionally B _pma_,_ind_ B _pma_ BACC Branch to address specified by ACC BANZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch on Aux register not zero BANZ _pma_,_ind_ BANZ _pma_ BBNZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch on TC bit not zero BBNZ _pma_,_ind_ BBNZ _pma_ BBZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch on TC bit equal to zero BBZ _pma_,_ind_ BBZ _pma_ BC _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch on carry BC _pma_,_ind_ BC _pma_ BGEZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch if ACC >= zero BGEZ _pma_,_ind_ BGEZ _pma_ BGZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch if ACC > zero BGZ _pma_,_ind_ BGZ _pma_ BIOZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch on I/O status = zero BIOZ _pma_,_ind_ BIOZ _pma_ BIT _ind_,_bitcode_,_nextarp_ Test bit BIT _ind_,_bitcode_ BIT _dma_,_bitcode_ BITT _ind_,_nextarp_ Test bit specified by T register BITT _ind_ BITT _dma_ BLEZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch if ACC <= zero BLEZ _pma_,_ind_ BLEZ _pma_ BLKD _dma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Block move from data mem to data mem BLKD _dma_,_ind_ BLKD _dma_,_dma_ BLKP _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Block move from prog mem to data mem BLKP _pma_,_ind_ BLKP _pma_,_dma_ BLZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch if ACC < zero BLZ _pma_,_ind_ BLZ _pma_ BNC _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch on no carry BNC _pma_,_ind_ BNC _pma_ BNV _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch if no overflow BNV _pma_,_ind_ BNV _pma_ BNZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch if ACC
zero BNZ _pma_,_ind_ BNZ _pma_ BV _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch on overflow BV _pma_,_ind_ BV _pma_ BZ _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Branch if ACC = zero BZ _pma_,_ind_ BZ _pma_ CALA Call subroutine indirect CALL _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Call subroutine CALL _pma_,_ind_ CALL _pma_ CMPL Complement ACC CMPR _const2_ Compare Aux reg with Aux AR0 CNFD Configure block as data memory CNFP Configure block as program memory CONF _const2_ Configure block as data/prog memory DINT Disable interrupt DMOV _ind_,_nextarp_ Data move in data memory DMOV _ind_ DMOV _dma_ EINT Enable interrupt FORT _const1_ Format serial port registers IDLE Idle until interrupt IN _ind_,_port_,_nextarp_ Input data from port IN _ind_,_port_ IN _dma_,_port_ LAC _ind_,_shift_,_nextarp_ Load ACC with shift LAC _ind_,_shift_ LAC _ind_ LAC _dma_,_shift_ LAC _dma_ LACK _const8_ Load ACC immediate short LACT _ind_,_nextarp_ Load ACC with shift specified by T reg LACT _ind_ LACT _dma_ LALK _const16_,_shift_ Load ACC long immediate with shift LALK _const16_ LAR _ar_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Load auxilary register LAR _ar_,_ind_ LAR _ar_,_dma_ LARK _ar_,_const8_ Load auxilary register immediate short LARP _arp_ Load auxilary register pointer LDP _ind_,_nextarp_ Load data memory page pointer LDP _ind_ LDP _dma_ LDPK _const8_ Load data memory page pointer immediate LPH _ind_,_nextarp_ Load high P register LPH _ind_ LPH _dma_ LRLK _ar_,_const16_ Load auxilary register long immediate LST _ind_,_nextarp_ Load status register ST0 LST _ind_ LST _dma_ LST1 _ind_,_nextarp_ Load status register ST1 LST1 _ind_ LST1 _dma_ LT _ind_,_nextarp_ Load T register LT _ind_ LT _dma_ LTA _ind_,_nextarp_ Load T reg and accumulate prev product LTA _ind_ LTA _dma_ LTD _ind_,_nextarp_ Load T reg, accum prev product & move LTD _ind_ LTD _dma_ LTP _ind_,_nextarp_ Load T reg and store P in ACC LTP _ind_ LTP _dma_ LTS _ind_,_nextarp_ Load T reg, subract previous product LTS _ind_ LTS _dma_ MAC _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Multiply and accumulate MAC _pma_,_ind_ MAC _pma_,_dma_ MACD _pma_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Multiply and accumulate with data move MACD _pma_,_ind_ MACD _pma_,_dma_ MAR _ind_,_nextarp_ Modify auxiliary register MAR _ind_ MAR _dma_ MPY _ind_,_nextarp_ Multiply MPY _ind_ MPY _dma_ MPYA _ind_,_nextarp_ Multiply and accum previous product MPYA _ind_ MPYA _dma_ MPYK _const13_ Multiply immediate MPYS _ind_,_nextarp_ Multiply and subtract previous product MPYS _ind_ MPYS _dma_ MPYU _ind_,_nextarp_ Multiply unsigned MPYU _ind_ MPYU _dma_ NEG Negate ACC NOP No operation NORM _ind_ Normalize contents of ACC NORM OR _ind_,_nextarp_ Or with ACC OR _ind_ OR _dma_ ORK _dma_,_shift_ Or immediate with ACC with shift ORK _dma_ OUT _ind_,_shift_,_nextarp_ Output data to port OUT _ind_,_shift_ OUT _dma_,_shift_ PAC Load ACC with P register POP Pop top of stack to low ACC POPD _ind_,_nextarp_ Pop top of stack to data memory POPD _ind_ POPD _dma_ PSHD _ind_,_nextarp_ Push data memory value onto stack PSHD _ind_ PSHD _dma_ PUSH Push low ACC onto stack RC Reset carry bit RET Return from subroutine RFSM Reset serial port frame syn mode RHM Reset hold mode ROL Rotate ACC left ROR Rotate ACC right ROVM Reset overflow mode RPT _ind_,_nextarp_ Repeat instructions as per data mem RPT _ind_ RPT _dma_ RPTK _const8_ Repeat instructions as per immediate RSXM Reset sign extension mode RTC Reset test control flag RTXM Reset serial port transmit mode RXF Reset external flag SACH _ind_,_shift_,_nextarp_ Store high ACC with shift SACH _ind_,_shift_ SACH _ind_ SACH _dma_,_shift_ SACH _dma_ SACL _ind_,_shift_,_nextarp_ Store low ACC with shift SACL _ind_,_shift_ SACL _ind_ SACL _dma_,_shift_ SACL _dma_ SAR _ar_,_ind_,_nextarp_ Store AUX register SAR _ar_,_ind_ SAR _ar_,_dma_ SBLK _const16_,_shift_ Subtract from ACC long immediate with shift SBLK _const16_ SBRK _const8_ Subtract from AUX register short immediate SC Set carry bit SFL Shift ACC left SFR Shift ACC right SFSM Set serial port frame sync mode SHM Set hold mode SOVM Set overflow mode SPAC Subtract P register from ACC SPH _ind_,_nextarp_ Store high P register SPH _ind_ SPH _dma_ SPL _ind_,_nextarp_ Store low P register SPL _ind_ SPL _dma_ SPM _dma_ Set P register output shift mode SQRA _ind_,_nextarp_ Square and accumulate previous product SQRA _ind_ SQRA _dma_ SQRS _ind_,_nextarp_ Square and subtract previous product SQRS _ind_ SQRS _dma_ SST _ind_,_nextarp_ Store status register ST0 SST _ind_ SST _dma_ SST1 _ind_,_nextarp_ Store status register ST1 SST1 _ind_ SST1 _dma_ SSXM Set sign extension mode STC Set test/control flag STXM Set serial port transmit mode SUB _ind_,_shift_,_nextarp_ Subtract from ACC with shift SUB _ind_,_shift_ SUB _ind_ SUB _dma_,_shift_ SUB _dma_ SUBB _ind_,_nextarp_ Subtract from ACC with borrow SUBB _ind_ SUBB _dma_ SUBC _ind_,_nextarp_ Subtract conditional SUBC _ind_ SUBC _dma_ SUBH _ind_,_nextarp_ Subtract from high ACC SUBH _ind_ SUBH _dma_ SUBK _const8_ Subtract from ACC short immediate SUBS _ind_,_nextarp_ Subtract from low ACC without sign-extension SUBS _ind_ SUBS _dma_ SUBT _ind_,_nextarp_ Subtract from ACC with shift as per T reg SUBT _ind_ SUBT _dma_ SXF Set external flag TBLR _ind_,_nextarp_ Table read TBLR _ind_ TBLR _dma_ TBLW _ind_,_nextarp_ Table write TBLW _ind_ TBLW _dma_ TRAP Software interrupt XOR _ind_,_nextarp_ Exclusive OR with ACC XOR _ind_ XOR _dma_ XORK_dma_,_shift_ Exclusive OR immediate ACC with shift XORK _dma_ ZAC Zero ACC ZALH _ind_,_nextarp_ Zero low ACC and load high ACC ZALH _ind_ ZALH _dma_ ZALR _ind_,_nextarp_ Zero low ACC, load high ACC with rounding ZALR _ind_ ZALR _dma_ ZALS _ind_,_nextarp_ Zero ACC, load low ACC without sign-extension ZALS _ind_ ZALS _dma_
The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics and their corresponding operand formats for the TMS7000 version of TASM. The following symbolic fields used in the table:
SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------- _iop_ Immediate data (8 bits) _Rn_ Register file (memory locations 0 to 127 or 0 to 255 depending on on-chip RAM) _Pn_ Peripheral file (0-255) _rel_ Program address (relative) _addr_ Program address (16 bit) _trap_ Trap number (0-23)
Any valid TASM expression can appear in the place of any of the above symbolics.
Note that TASM allows an alternate syntax for expressing indirection. Parenthesis can be replaced with brackets (which are less ambiguous because they do not occur in expressions). Thus, the following are equivalent:
BR @addr1(B) BR @addr1[B]
OPCODE OPERANDS --------------------------------------- ADC B,A ADC %_iop_,A ADC %_iop_,B ADC %_iop_,_Rn_ ADC _Rn_,A ADC _Rn_,B ADC _Rn_,_Rn_ ADD B,A ADD %_iop_,A ADD %_iop_,B ADD %_iop_,_Rn_ ADD _Rn_,A ADD _Rn_,B ADD _Rn_,_Rn_ AND B,A AND %_iop_,A AND %_iop_,B AND %_iop_,_Rn_ AND _Rn_,A AND _Rn_,B AND _Rn_,_Rn_ ANDP A,_Pn_ ANDP B,_Pn_ ANDP %_iop_,_Pn_ BTJO B,A,_rel_ BTJO %_iop_,A,_rel_ BTJO %_iop_,B,_rel_ BTJO %_iop_,_Rn_,_rel_ BTJO _Rn_,A,_rel_ BTJO _Rn_,B,_rel_ BTJO _Rn_,_Rn_,_rel_ BTJOP A,_Pn_,_rel_ BTJOP B,_Pn_,_rel_ BTJOP %_iop_,_Pn_,_rel_ BTJZ B,A,_rel_ BTJZ %_iop_,A,_rel_ BTJZ %_iop_,B,_rel_ BTJZ %_iop_,_Rn_,_rel_ BTJZ _Rn_,A,_rel_ BTJZ _Rn_,B,_rel_ BTJZ _Rn_,_Rn_,_rel_ BTJZP A,_Pn_,_rel_ BTJZP B,_Pn_,_rel_ BTJZP %_iop_,_Pn_,_rel_ BR @_addr_(B) BR @_addr_[B] BR @_addr_ BR *_Rn_ CALL @_addr_(B) CALL @_addr_[B] CALL @_addr_ CALL *_Rn_ CLR A CLR B CLR _Rn_ CLRC CMP B,A CMP %_iop_,A CMP %_iop_,B CMP %_iop_,_Rn_ CMP _Rn_,A CMP _Rn_,B CMP _Rn_,_Rn_ CMPA @_addr_(B) CMPA @_addr_[B] CMPA @_addr_ CMPA *_Rn_ DAC B,A DAC %_iop_,A DAC %_iop_,B DAC %_iop_,_Rn_ DAC _Rn_,A DAC _Rn_,B DAC _Rn_,_Rn_ DEC A DEC B DEC _Rn_ DECD A DECD B DECD _Rn_ DINT DJNZ A,_rel_ DJNZ B,_rel_ DJNZ _Rn_,_rel_ DSB B,A DSB %_iop_,A DSB %_iop_,B DSB %_iop_,_Rn_ DSB _Rn_,A DSB _Rn_,B DSB _Rn_,_Rn_ EINT IDLE INC A INC B INC _Rn_ INV A INV B INV _Rn_ JMP _rel_ JC _rel_ JEQ _rel_ JGE _rel_ JGT _rel_ JHS _rel_ JL _rel_ JN _rel_ JNC _rel_ JNE _rel_ JNZ _rel_ JP _rel_ JPZ _rel_ JZ _rel_ LDA @_addr_(B) LDA @_addr_[B] LDA @_addr_ LDA *_Rn_ LDSP MOV A,B MOV B,A MOV A,_Rn_ MOV B,_Rn_ MOV %_iop_,A MOV %_iop_,B MOV %_iop_,_Rn_ MOV _Rn_,A MOV _Rn_,B MOV _Rn_,_Rn_ MOVD %_iop_[B],_Rn_ MOVD %_iop_,_Rn_ MOVD _Rn_,_Rn_ MOVP A,_Pn_ MOVP B,_Pn_ MOVP %_iop_,_Pn_ MOVP _Pn_,A MOVP _Pn_,B MPY B,A MPY %_iop_,A MPY %_iop_,B MPY %_iop_,_Rn_ MPY _Rn_,A MPY _Rn_,B MPY _Rn_,_Rn_ NOP OR B,A OR %_iop_,A OR %_iop_,B OR %_iop_,_Rn_ OR _Rn_,A OR _Rn_,B OR _Rn_,_Rn_ ORP A,_Pn_ ORP B,_Pn_ ORP %_iop_,_Pn_ POP A POP B POP ST POP _Rn_ POPST PUSH A PUSH B PUSH ST PUSH _Rn_ PUSHST RETI RETS RL A RL B RL _Rn_ RLC A RLC B RLC _Rn_ RR A RR B RR _Rn_ RRC A RRC B RRC _Rn_ SBB B,A SBB %_iop_,A SBB %_iop_,B SBB %_iop_,_Rn_ SBB _Rn_,A SBB _Rn_,B SBB _Rn_,_Rn_ SETC STA @_addr_(B) STA @_addr_[B] STA @_addr_ STA *_Rn_ STSP SUB B,A SUB %_iop_,A SUB %_iop_,B SUB %_iop_,_Rn_ SUB _Rn_,A SUB _Rn_,B SUB _Rn_,_Rn_ SWAP A SWAP B SWAP _Rn_ TRAP _trap_ TST A TSTA TST B TSTB XCHB A XCHB _Rn_ XOR B,A XOR %_iop_,A XOR %_iop_,B XOR %_iop_,_Rn_ XOR _Rn_,A XOR _Rn_,B XOR _Rn_,_Rn_ XORP A,_Pn_ XORP B,_Pn_ XORP %_iop_,_Pn_